How to print Reprap details: settings?
November 14, 2014 12:53PM
I am going to print reprap's details on, well, reprap. I use ABS.
What settings should I use for printing?
The question is mostly about "outer layers" and infill density (if any, should I disable infill and print solid?)
I understand, that it does not really mater for frame-vertex, but what about extruder gears?

Thank you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2014 12:54PM by Fizpok.
Re: How to print Reprap details: settings?
November 14, 2014 01:09PM
That's totally up to you, you want them to last, look good, be cheap?

My personal preferences are:

3 perimeters
4 solid bottom and 6 top.
20 % infill on regular parts and 30~40 on the extruder and the gears.
0.3 layer height

Now, you can go crazy and print at 0.1, 100% solid with a 0.2 nozzle, will take a few weeks to get all printed but they will look pretty winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2014 01:10PM by ggherbaz.
Re: How to print Reprap details: settings?
November 14, 2014 01:36PM
What about the speed? Am I correct assuming the lower the speed, the longer layers will have to stick to each other?
Re: How to print Reprap details: settings?
November 14, 2014 01:51PM
Now, here I might be the wrong guy to talk to... I print slow, I have no other choice because of the type of prints I do, now said that, I designed and printed my own printer, I used the settings I posted above and depending on the part I print anywhere from 20mm per second up to 40mm per second, for an standard prusa parts you can print comfortably at 40 especially if you are printing with ABS, since you need to keep the lower layer warmer to have a good inter layer adhesion.

Your assumption is correct for PLA but not for ABS, if you let the ABS to cool down too much your next layer will not adhere to good to the one below unless you have and enclosed printer with a chamber temperature above 90, then yes, you will have greater results at lower speeds.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2014 01:56PM by ggherbaz.
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