That machine works well for you ? fine ! That does not mean things you can't get better. You may like the Folger's kit depending of what you expect. If you takes it individualy, Folger's kit does what's meant to do : printing. I'm a CNC user. I own several type of carriages on my different machines, some are expensive. I may appreciate the overall quality of any machine. When a kit uses 7.5mm rods with 8mm bushings, it's a huge gap. The result is a poor printing quality, even at low speed. Through, the 8mm linear bearings are the lowest possible quality definitely, the balls that easily falls out of them are not of the same diameter... Yesterday, a third Y bushings broke (my rods are mounted paralel within 0.05mm). The problem comes from the part and from the rubbish linear bearing. The conception of that part is fragile, there's a weak point : not enough material at the junction of the cylindre and the plate :
That combined with a too low temperature print with a tendency to delamimate, and it's the crack. The LM8UU are too big for the Z carriage, I had to addapt the part to mount them. A kit should be easy, you don't want some parts to don't fit to others. It's an important point. Most of the zip tie holes were obturated. Another work to do on the parts. A 5mm threaded rod is 10° bended (!), some zip ties, nuts and screws missing. Some parts of the acrylic frame came broken into a nice shape package.
The two other weak points of the kit are : first, the extruder, the most important part of any printer. It's minimalistic. No tensioning system at all. I got some1.65 black filament, and it's not perfecty driven. I print ABS only and @ 235°C the cold end is not cold any more.That means I cannot print at optimal temperature for some of my filaments. If you print PLA only, you may not have the same problems. Note my print head felt down (less of 100 working hours!), broken at the thermal barrier point. I replaced the hotend by a shop made E3D style hotend, with a huge printing quality improvement. Some friends at the fablab have better results with a better cold end. Conclusion, the Folger's extruder is rubbish.
Second, the aclylic frame. I did not expected the 6mm frame was 5.3mm. And did not expected that was that flexible. I saw wooden frames, aluminium frames, and it makes a huge difference. Acrylic is the worst material ever for the frame.
Last but not least, there were 20 days before shipping. Then 8 days for shipping. Then I had to mount the kit. I tryed to contact Folger as fast as possible. And gave him enough time to awnser. Too much IMO. Then I opened a Paypal reclamation. And Paypal closed it because the payment was more than 45 days old. So I did not have any waranty. I get no awnser at all from Folger. I have to deal alone with missing parts, dammage ones, and my broken frame. Anyone who wants to buy a Folger kit should know.
You want to buy a Prusa I3 kit ? Go for an aluminium frame (or wood frame) no risk to brake and as stiff as needed, get a rework version of the parts,
strong ABS parts, with a good extruder included (a wade still works pretty well), and a good hotend (exagon, e3d or Jhead style). That's the start for a good kit. The Folger's kit does not propose that stuff, don't buy it. Definitely.
Edited 8 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2014 05:37AM by Zavashier.
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Prusa i3 Folger (A lot of the parts are wrong, boring !)