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noob trying to get 3d printer working

Posted by laughingman 
noob trying to get 3d printer working
February 15, 2015 08:08PM
The 3d printer is a prusa i3 kit from folgertech. I have attached the configuration files that were provided by folgertech.
ramps board 33

hotend fan
heated bed thermistor
homeing of all axis

//not working
hotend thermistor
hotend heating
hotend extruding
manually controlling axis
open | download - Marlin_RAMPS_EPCOS.zip (180.8 KB)
Re: noob trying to get 3d printer working
February 18, 2015 02:44PM
Did you read the calibration guide, lots of good tips in there.

First of all you need to cut this up in smaller problem that you can solve bit by bit.

Lets start with the thermistors.
Swap the thermistors connectors: heatbed > hotend and hotend to headbed.
Easiest way to find out if the thermistor is broken or something else wrong.

Without properly working thermistors you shouldn't (and can't?) turn on the heat.
Extruding with a cold hotend is impossible, firmware prevents you from doing so.

Since your heatbed thermistor is working it should heatup.
Check your wiring, solder joints and use the multimeter to see if the connection is working.

After homing the axis should be able to move the opposite way.
This problem is beyond my knowledge.

This is all I can help you with.
Good luck!
Re: noob trying to get 3d printer working
February 19, 2015 10:46AM
Are you using repetier host or another software to manually move the axis? In repetier host there are additional settings for homing aside from the eeprom, so make sure they corroborate with your endstops (min or max?). Also make sure the printer shape is set correctly in the printer settings. The manual control might be confused on where you're located after you've homed. If using min endstops, does it say 0 on all axes after homing, with the axes corresponding to the correct endstops?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/19/2015 10:48AM by runninfarmer.
Re: noob trying to get 3d printer working
February 20, 2015 03:25PM
Sorry to trouble you but i originally posted this in haste while waiting for a responce from another post from days ago.
In short my problem has been solved in another post from earlier.
One of my biggest problems was i needed to replace my hotend thermistor after that everything started to fall in place.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/20/2015 03:25PM by laughingman.
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