Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 15, 2015 03:58PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
Re: Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 15, 2015 05:08PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 752 |
Re: Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 15, 2015 07:18PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
It's probably trying to home the x axis, but since it moves away from the endstop it just keeps going. Flip around the x motor connector, this will reverse the x axis direction. Alternatily you could flip the direction in the firmware, but that's a bit more complex, however at some point you may need to make some changes in the configuration, to add a heated bet, increase max allowed temperature or adding auto bed levelling. Might as well getting acqainted with the dev studio.
Re: Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 15, 2015 07:39PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 477 |
It's probably trying to home the x axis, but since it moves away from the endstop it just keeps going. Flip around the x motor connector, this will reverse the x axis direction. Alternatily you could flip the direction in the firmware, but that's a bit more complex, however at some point you may need to make some changes in the configuration, to add a heated bet, increase max allowed temperature or adding auto bed levelling. Might as well getting acqainted with the dev studio.
OK with the x axis motor connector reversed, the x axis now moves towards the left when I hit the Home button which means it doesn't go towards the X end stop which is on the right side of the printer. And when I control it manually it moves left when I click left and doesn't move at all when I click right.
Re: Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 15, 2015 08:09PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
With a manual move X+ should move right, X- should move left
In your Marlin configuration.h you probably have the X-endstop set wrong.
It should be:
#define X_HOME_DIR 1
This will make it a MAX end stop.
Check the status with a M119 in repetier with none of the switches closed then again one at a time closed.
Re: Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 16, 2015 07:36AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 752 |
Re: Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 16, 2015 11:57AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 477 |
Re: Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 16, 2015 12:23PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
Did you setup the print bed size correctly in repetier (menu config, Printer settings, Printer shape tab)? Also check the start g-code in the slicer settings. See if it tries to move beyond your actual print bed size.
Re: Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 16, 2015 12:27PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
Re: Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 16, 2015 02:53PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 76 |
Did you setup the print bed size correctly in repetier (menu config, Printer settings, Printer shape tab)? Also check the start g-code in the slicer settings. See if it tries to move beyond your actual print bed size.
Everything is set up exactly the way the Folger Tech instructions describe. I am wondering though about setting up the Printer Shape settings in Slic3r/Repetier. Folger shows the settings for
Folger says to set HomeX, HomeY and HomeZ all to "min" values. This doesn't seem right to me since the X end stop is actually set up at the max position for the X axis.
I have tried running the X value with this setting at Max and Min and neither seems to help.
Next Folger advised Printer Shape settings:
X Min: 0 X Max: 200 Bed Left: 200
Y Min: 0 Y Max: 200 Bed Front: 200
Print Area Width: 200 mm
Print Area Depth: 200 mm
Print Area Height: 185 mm
So I'm wondering if some of these need to be negative values? Since the X axis end stop is at the Max position does that mean that the print area width, for example, should be -200 mm?
Or should any of those X/Y Max or Bed Left/Front settings be negative?
Here's the gcode from the start of the run:
M109 S190 ; wait for temperature to be reached
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
G92 E0
M82 ; use absolute distances for extrusion
M106 S255
G1 F1800.000 E-1.00000
G92 E0
G1 Z0.300 F7800.000
G1 X312.536 Y294.364 F7800.000
G1 E1.00000 F1800.000
G1 X312.664 Y294.241 E1.00816 F3240.000
G1 X315.262 Y292.650 E1.14824
G1 X315.623 Y292.525 E1.16577
G1 X317.282 Y292.165 E1.24383
G1 X319.091 Y292.220 E1.32703
G1 X319.526 Y292.296 E1.34733 F3240.000
G1 X320.556 Y292.560 E1.39624
G1 X321.845 Y293.134 E1.46109
G1 X322.446 Y293.517 E1.49388
G1 X323.210 Y294.120 E1.53862
So yes it seems to be completely ignoring the printer shape settings and trying to print out around the 300,300 coordinate.
Re: Folger Tech i3 First print - X & Y axes have a mind of their own April 18, 2015 08:17PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 116 |