Hello, I have been building my new Prusa i3 for awhile now. Everything is fine except my SECOND Ramps 1.4 board (The first one did the same thing so I bought another) absolutely refuses to send power to any of the heaters. I have been at it for weeks now and I cannot get anything to work. Last night I did end up getting it to work and when I reconnected to it--nothing. I have tried setting the heater pins to the standard 10, 9, and 8 digital pins in the Repetier online firmware configuration tool but that doesn't work either. As I said I have a Ramps 1.4 board running Repetier firmware. I have checked both fuses any they are not tripped. Could anyone help? I have attached the Rep. firmware in a zip file and
here are some pictures of my board and the only things I have plugged in.
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