Anyone have latest Pronterface+Slic3r working together?
October 01, 2015 12:16AM
I've downloaded the latest slic3r and pronterface after exporting my slic3r settings into a config.ini file and placing it in the slic3r folder. I sucessfully imported my old settings into slicer and pronterface knows where the file is so doesn't generate any errors when I load an stl file.

Unfortunately my success stops there. When I load slic3r settings from pronterface it randomly generates and selects a preset called config.ini. It doesn't save it in the config.ini file. It also forgets when I select another set of presets and just goes back to its generated on-the-fly config.ini preset. When I open it again it just does its own thing instead of what it's been told. When I slice from pronterface it too just selects how it's going to do this and doesn't do what it's been told - ie number of layers in the model stays the same even if I set it to .15, or .01 or .001 (since when does x/0.15 = n = x/0.01 = x/0.001) or the bed temperature doesn't turn on (60C = room temperature?).

So does anyone else have this combination working or is the latest slic3r and pronterface just not compatible? I just want it to do what it's told like it is suppose to instead of magically programming itself. Really frustrating! At least if it's going to stop being an inanimate object and try to think it could do something productive.

My two lines from pronterface's configureation are:
Slic3r/slic3r.exe $s --load "C:\Users\KenM\Documents\Projects\RepRapPro-Printrun-Slic3r\Win7\Slic3r\config.ini" --output $o
Slic3r/slic3r.exe --load "C:\Users\KenM\Documents\Projects\RepRapPro-Printrun-Slic3r\Win7\Slic3r\config.ini" --ignore-nonexistent-config

I've attached my config.ini
open | download - config.ini (14.2 KB)
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