Rectilinear/ Rectilinear Infill
October 31, 2015 06:28PM
This may be obvious to most of you but, eliminating the "honeycomb" and using rectilinear for both infill settings is so much nicer, not to mention easier on your printer. Quieter too.
Re: Rectilinear/ Rectilinear Infill
November 02, 2015 09:36PM
Honeycomb... All the cool kids are doing it.
Re: Rectilinear/ Rectilinear Infill
November 03, 2015 08:57AM
I find honeycomb to be much stronger than rectilinear.
As the direction of the linear infill changes with each layer, there are only point contacts between each layer of infill. Whereas with honeycomb each layer is printed directly on top of the previous layer, meaning the bonds between layers is much stronger.
If you print two flat cubes, one with rectilinear and one with honeycomb. Then just bend each one you will be able to hear all the bonds in the rectilinear one breaking, and it will be noticeably softer.

I agree that rectilinear is much easier on your printer, therefore I only use honeycomb when i need strong parts.
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