Hello everyone.
About three years ago I bought a complete kit for a Prusa i3, with the main frame made out of laser-cut wood.
I managed to upgrade it with different extruders and it worked very well. It wasn't the most precise printer that I had seen, but it didn't have a lot of problems.
Last month I started disassembling it to change some parts that weren't correctly placed (that I noticed last year) and I also took the opportunity to wrap the cables all together to have a cleaner and more organised printer.
When I started making some test prints for re-calibration, I noticed that some pieces were starting to break. I ordered some replacements (since I hadn't printed those parts) but after some tests more pieces started to break.
Before the second wave of broken pieces I noticed that the printer was
really unprecise, even after calibrating it a few times.
Now that I don't have anymore a printer, I wanted to use the electronics and the remaining parts to build a better one.
I am asking to you since you are surely way more experienced than I am.
I'd like to build another Prusa i3, but I'm open to any other suggestion.
On my current build I have the Budaschnozzle 1.3 (0.4 mm tip) to print PLA plastic and a MK2 Heated Bed.
Everything is controlled by a RAMPS 1.4 with 4 Gadgets3D Stepsticks.
What should I go with? I absolutely need it to be at least as precise as my current build. I was thinking of the Metal frame version with all the parts made in something more durable than PLA (ABS maybe?).
I also need a very good guide to follow to calibrate it. I want to be sure that what I'm doing is right..
Thanks a lot!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2016 11:27AM by Stefa168.