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Live internet RepRap / Webcam?

Posted by RoundSparrow 
Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 24, 2007 06:58PM
The idea occurred to me of letting people here on the forum use the RepRap I build remotely. Build a java web server application to allow uploading / control, a schedule of when I can be around in case problems develop, etc.

I am still in the assembly, parts gathering stage... and the software will take time... but I see possibly by January 1?

Is it worth the trouble, any desire?
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 24, 2007 09:53PM

I think it would be cool but don't know how worthwhile it would be. Once I have mine up and running I wouldn't be fiddling with it. From the software/automation angle it looks to be interesting but outside of that...meh.

Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 25, 2007 04:52AM
... it's easier/safer, to mail you the STL-files and let you work it out, then remote-fabbing.

With remote-fabbing you didn't have a chance for proper stop-pause-and-restart the extruder, when something went wrong.

I think a remote-reprap is more a demonstration-system and can be made through a simulated VR-reprap on the local computer better, then on a remote one over the internet ...

Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 25, 2007 11:46PM
that is awesome! i agree that it may not be the most useful thing, but that would be quite a rad project. i think you'll find it will be a be a bit tough to make a Jan 1st deadline, but if you work hard you might pull it off.

this would require some heavy lifting in the java software though.

good luck hacking!

RoundSparrow Wrote:
> The idea occurred to me of letting people here on
> the forum use the RepRap I build remotely. Build
> a java web server application to allow uploading /
> control, a schedule of when I can be around in
> case problems develop, etc.
> I am still in the assembly, parts gathering
> stage... and the software will take time... but I
> see possibly by January 1?
> Is it worth the trouble, any desire?
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 27, 2007 11:38AM
I have to confess that I'd probably watch a live webcam feed of a RepRap.
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 27, 2007 01:07PM

Sadly, a lot of us would.

Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 27, 2007 03:49PM
Eric Morgan had a private webcam strapped to his RepStrap several months ago. I watched it (in the background while doing other tasks) for over an hour, and all he was doing was attempting to build a square minimug! The technology is fascinating, even in its simplicity.

I think this would be a great project even if it isn't the most practical way to get a part made. A streaming server with enough bandwidth could help out with publicity, and it sure would be fun!

What would be perhaps even a cuter toy would be specialized control software that could run the RepRap in "sandbox mode," allowing casual visitors to control the extruder's position for a few seconds or minutes while watching it in realtime. There's something intrinsically appealing about your actions having physical consequences somewhere else.
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 28, 2007 01:30AM
... so why not a VR-RepRap as Simulator for training mode?

In my CAD/CAM-software i have an option to run a virtual milling-task in a simple coloured ISO-hidden-line-view, what's impressive enough.

With a more sophisticated 3D-world, containing a virtual RepRap and a free moveable camera-actor there could be tested and visualized, how the (virtual) trays and slices would form a 3D-object.

But it's a tough task for setting up the physical engine, when you want to act as in real (downbreaking overhangs or so), but it would look great!

Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 28, 2007 10:15AM
well, the reprap software does have a mode where you can run it without having a real machine hooked up. it will show you what lines are being printed and such. its pretty cool to watch.
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 28, 2007 10:29AM
Hi Zach,

... it seems, that i have to work a bit harder to bring my PC in the status to run the host-software winking smiley

The fab@home-software is running and shows simulated building too, but the reprap-host didn't start ...

Anonymous User
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 29, 2007 12:15AM
just a live webcam would be cool, esp if you could control what it made. If only the machine could melt stuff back down, people could print as many mini mugs as they wanted.
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 29, 2007 09:45AM
Now, that'd make an interesting art installation. A RepRap prints out random objects, which are then picked up, put through a grinder and fed back into the extruder.
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 29, 2007 10:10AM
... hmmm, sound like waste of energy and potential ...

Maybe some of you remember the Golem-project, where your computer was embedded in a internet-grid to evolve robots, build from sticks, joints and rod-actuators.

There was the possibility too to RP your favorite bot and apply some linear actuators, so he could act in real as in the simulation.

Maybe this is a more fascinating way: you build some toys or interesting objects in an interactive java-based construction-simulator and send the output to your local reprap-copy-studio ...

When the reprap has finished then you can receive your part (pay over rrrf when it's worthy?), let it in the repository or give it to recycling then ...

Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 29, 2007 11:35AM

Wow, the complexity of the proposed idea just went through the roof!

Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 29, 2007 02:25PM
Hi Demented,

... why? It's the way, i received most of my RP-models: - i constructed the parts in Lightwave or 3D-Studio and posted the STL-files to a comercial RP-company.

Some days later i received the parts and send the bill to my boss winking smiley

I think it's a good idea to install some local reprap-copy-shops in towns, as many peoples, interested in the reprap-idea, aren't skilled or motivated enough, to build their own ...

Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 30, 2007 12:44AM

Sure, the Kinkos model works well. What I was refering to was that moving stuff--robots and the like--are WAY more complex in reality than they ever are in a model. That's all.

Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 30, 2007 01:20AM
Hi Demented,

... ah, clear - this is main the background of my faible for parallel-kinematics and 'bionic' or flexible/morphing actuators - here it's hard to bring the simulation to proper action, but relatively easy to build moving setups with bending and expanding arms activated by syringes or pressurised/expanded elastic hoses and bellows ...

How about a remote controlled toy robot that works via Bluetooth and can be viewed over the internet by all and controlled by a trusted set of individuals? I could let it loose in my garage and I could supply the raw materials for it to build a RepRap on line. It could then build other robots that more people could control to help evolve the RepRap.

This would sure be one great way to put a lot of man hours in at one location, as long as I can sleep with all of the banging going on in the garage all night. And, as long as the project doesn't end in producing a cyborg that causes my demise.
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 30, 2007 05:20PM
Hi Jim,

... it'll take some time, until reprapped cyborgs or such stuff would strife through your nightmares winking smiley

The main idea of the reprap is to make the fabbers cheap and common enough, so every interested could start with his or her own ...

Until you can receive the kit from your friend, or give him one, the main goal should be to seed some 'competence-centers' at some locations, so it can spread more freely.

I think a serious impact of 'home-brew-fabber-plants' will take place in the next 3 to 5 years, so with a 'normal' evolving (without too much turbulences and backdrafts) highly skilled and sophisticated fabbing at home (full electronic and mechanical capability) will be a major point for the next 10 to 15 years ...

I personally hope to have an 3D-fabber capable of 10-50 microns accuracy in the middle of next year - my 3D-mills at home and at work are there already and i'm fine-tuning them to go down to 1 to 3 microns (theoretical) accuracy.
Then i'll start to interfere with some german groups in nanotech-development, so we can climb the next hurdle ...

And even with this good start and an optimal progress the 'self-reprapped' robots (for lawn-mowing and such) are some time away winking smiley


I would expect that the RepRap will expand exponentially. First you will see a new one made each month, then each week, and then each day. Unimaginable
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 30, 2007 06:40PM
don't teach the robot to unlock doors and you will be safer.. and no knifes or matches..

good luck!!

Bruce W.

fab@home is thinking they might have a robot that will be able to walk off of the machine next year (ya right it is a good goal) and said so in Popular Mechanics??
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 30, 2007 07:49PM
The first thing (after the shotglass) that my repstrap will make... is a reprap... and once I'm satisfied (enough) with that design... I'll make another... and another... enough to fill my work bench... and then I'll make a few for my friends...

I'm going for cheap... easy... and highly reprappable... I'm even making it so the limiter switches will be reprappable once we get the whole conductive surface thing worked out...

I don't know if mine will run fast enough to make one a day... but I'll have enough running that each will only have to make a single piece to make a duplicate...

I've also got plans for specialized '*raps'... replace the xy with a rotating disc and I've got one that'll make rockets for me! (teflon rockets FTW!) I'll definatley make one for candy (lemon flavored figurines FTW!)

Well... the wife just broke a glass in the kitchen... wonder how hard it would be to make one that can extrude glass...?
Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
November 30, 2007 08:21PM
You can boil water with HDPE.. I am trying to print something other then a cup as I type.. Wish me luck.. Ill post some pictures this weekend..

Bruce Wattendorf

Re: Live internet RepRap / Webcam?
December 01, 2007 02:34AM
Hi guys,

... good luck and fast progress!

I think my CNC-mill-repstrap will work in january or February, as i have to buy and exchange some expensive parts and a stronger mill-head to make some complex parts ...

With the Tripod-demonstrator i'm on the elecronics and software, so it should be active in some weeks too.

When the software runs properly, then i'll build a second one, capable of fabbing bigger objects - then the 'exponential evolving-curve' can start rising winking smiley

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