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Can't get SSD1306 display work despite doing configurations

Posted by mettinoktay 
Can't get SSD1306 display work despite doing configurations
April 28, 2016 10:47AM
Hello friends,

I'm trying to replace my Reprap's display with SSD1306 as explained here but nothing is displayed and I'm about to blow up. Here's what I've done so far:

  1. Made changes on relevant header files (check the link above)
  2. Downloaded U8glib library
  3. Connected screen to I2C pins correctly

These seem to be all things to do yet all I get is a black screen. Adafruit's example code works well so hardware is not faulty. What is the catch? What might I be doing wrong? Or if you have a working code, please upload it. Thank you so much in advance.

Re: Can't get SSD1306 display work despite doing configurations
April 29, 2016 06:23AM
Problem solved. My fault. Turns out I've been applying configurations for an older version whereas all there is to do is to uncomment two lines on version 1.1.0 which are:

//define DOGLCD


//define U8GLIB_SSD1306

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2016 06:24AM by mettinoktay.
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