Request Sample
January 16, 2011 02:50PM
Hello everyone,

Actually, I am really interested to buy a new 3D printer such as Mendel one.

However, I am really doubt about its quality.

You know, AFAIK, there are architectural and engineering project that demand a high resolution, good quality and finishing.

Please take a look at below image for an example of high resolution 3D printer work:

And if anyone here don't mind, I have a 3D part as a request to be printed by Mendel 3D printer itself, to see whether Mendel 3D printer is suitable for me or not.

Please see the attached of the 3D .stl file and a screenshot of it:


Re: Request Sample
January 16, 2011 04:07PM
Unfortunately the RepRap is a rather low-end printer. While the output is amazing for the price, it is not capable of producing anything quite like you've pictured, at least not without a lot of post-print finishing.

Edit: I would look through Thingiverse to see examples of what can be done.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/2011 04:10PM by NewPerfection.

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Re: Request Sample
January 16, 2011 11:41PM
A lot of those pics are from the ZCORP machine which uses powder.

You can if you want to, use a small nozzle, in the region of 0.25mm dia as opposed to 0.5mm dia standard.
Re: Request Sample
January 17, 2011 05:02PM
Grogyan Wrote:
> A lot of those pics are from the ZCORP machine
> which uses powder.
> You can if you want to, use a small nozzle, in the
> region of 0.25mm dia as opposed to 0.5mm dia
> standard.

Makes sense. I though those looked way too high resolution to be FDM produced.

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Re: Request Sample
January 18, 2011 11:45PM
Yeah... powder printers produce a lot weaker parts, though, from what I've heard. I guess it depends on if you want accuracy or strength when choosing between FFF (FDM) and powder.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2011 11:46PM by An Original Name.
Re: Request Sample
January 20, 2011 09:34PM
Please read the following before judging the print

I have only been at this for a few months and I am not very well versed in Skeinforge settings yet. confused smiley

This is the first time I've printed a part using support and I seem to have overdone it bit. The mesh is probably double what it needs to be..... made it rather hard to remove and leaving it looking a little ragged. Given a little time it could be cleaned up to look much better.
Although hard to see in the picture the slotted collar printed quite well.

The machine itself had no problem printing the spines however the extruder was not appropriate for that application. It has a large melt chamber designed for printing at high volume (not so good for starts and stops) and the nozzle at roughly .37 mm was a bit too big for the job. Together they left the spines looking pretty blurby. Just to say: The poor quality of the spines was the result of poor choice of hot end and not a limitation of the machine. A slightly smaller nozzle on a smaller more articulate hot end would have produced a much nicer print.

I just bought some .2 mm drill bits, maybe I'll give it another go grinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2011 09:37PM by Bruce.
Re: Request Sample
January 21, 2011 12:05AM
It seems to me that that part would print with less support material if it was turned upside down. Those parts that look like bristles would act as support.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2011 12:05AM by brnrd.
Re: Request Sample
January 21, 2011 01:09AM
The print result turned out very well IMHO. thumbs up

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
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Re: Request Sample
January 21, 2011 05:53AM
Hi Bruce, that looks really good for just 2 months work, well done.

Re: Request Sample
January 21, 2011 01:55PM
That actually looks very nice! I think you're right that with a .25 mm or so nozzle and a small melt chamber you could probably print the spines very nicely.

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