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HELP! Adding BlTouch to Delta

Posted by Weller2811 
HELP! Adding BlTouch to Delta
January 17, 2017 05:20PM
I'm trying to add a BLTouch to my folger tech kossel. after making all necessary changes arduino is putting up some errors and stopping me from uploading.

here's the error im getting

Marlin_main.cpp: In function 'void homeaxis(int)':
Marlin_main.cpp:782: error: expected primary-expression before '{' token
Marlin_main.cpp:782: error: expected `)' before '{' token
Marlin_main.cpp:818: error: expected primary-expression before '{' token
Marlin_main.cpp:818: error: expected `)' before '{' token
open | download - KosselRevB.zip (220.1 KB)
Re: HELP! Adding BlTouch to Delta
January 18, 2017 06:12PM
The compiler is telling you that a " ) " is missing before the start of the function block. I looked at the code and did not see any missing parentheses, so it must have been accidentally deleted. Ctrl find through that file for that function and make sure that it has
the parentheses before the semicolon.

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Re: HELP! Adding BlTouch to Delta
January 19, 2017 05:11PM
which marlin code can i use that has auto leveling for deltas? all the most current marlin releases i've seen say deltas can't have auto bed Leveling.
Re: HELP! Adding BlTouch to Delta
January 20, 2017 01:09PM
I neither have a delta or use marlin so I cannot say. I Know that repetier firmware has auto bed leveling for delta, so i'm not quite sure why that is for marlin. It could be that the complex kinematics of deltas take up too much space on the controller board, or it causes the controller to slow down, but who knows.

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Re: HELP! Adding BlTouch to Delta
February 06, 2017 12:54AM
the marlin that came with my printer supports it though, the newest marlin says it doesnt
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