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acrylic nails as print finish?

Posted by sungod3k 
acrylic nails as print finish?
March 09, 2017 05:13PM

random idea time grinning smiley I just saw this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnuNKg-r_P4 and she uses some binder + acrylic to make fingernail extensions and it hardens relatively quickly, so I wonder if i could dip a print in the binder liquid and then dump it into the powder to get a hard and smooth shell around you print. probably cheaper than encasing the print in epoxy.

any 3d printing ladies here that have used that stuff?

Re: acrylic nails as print finish?
March 10, 2017 03:23PM
Yaught varnish works on pla... so it probably would. test a bit of print to see what happens, leave it a few days to see if anything weird happens.
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