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Extruder in reverse

Posted by NelsonRap 
Extruder in reverse
April 26, 2011 02:53AM
I have discovered that my extruder seems to be running in reverse. Is there a setting in Skienforge40 to make it run the other way? Or if not which wires would I need to change. Its a mendel parts kit with their stepper motors. I have asked on their forum as well to see who can help me

Experimenting in 3D in New Zealand
Re: Extruder in reverse
April 26, 2011 04:12AM
Either put the motor plug on back to front or swap the first two wires.

Re: Extruder in reverse
April 26, 2011 04:28AM
Or change the fiormware to inverse the stepper for the extruder smiling smiley

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