I need to get 400c on my hotend, I have a pt100, a signal boost board, and after following a tutorial and destroying a perfectly good 1.4 turbo with no results I gave up on the signal booster and got the max31865, the thing used on the duex 2 boards. I can flash rrf on my other skr1.4 turbo with the new device they sell for this purpose, or I have a smothieboard mks sbase 1.4, which can be flashed with marlin, smoothiware or rrf. Please can somebody help me wire this thing up and set the firmware for it ? i have the e3dv6gold with copper plated heating block for the temp with nozzle x and a watercooled alu bmg.... i just need help with the wiring and setting up of the pt100...
It would be greatly appreciated. It will be mounted on a cr10 with linear rails and meant for high temp material usage.
Anyone willing to help me finalize this machine, I am offering to help back with whatever I can, or is within my set of skills.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/09/2020 05:56AM by ormerodnewb.