Hey all,
I finally got my z probe working for auto leveling and it's a whole new world.
No more bits of paper every-time I change the glass or tape or someone opens a door etc, etc....
Had me going for a while until I realized that the probe must go up to the #define Z_CLEARANCE_DEPLOY_PROBE setting before it starts the auto leveling.
The original setting was 10mm and when I tried to auto level with G29, I panicked when the x carriage started moving up instead of down to the print bed.
I changed this to 2mm and this works fine for me.
Just thought I would post this here as I couldn't find this information anywhere and it had me going for days.
Every print sticks perfectly and uniformly across the brim. No more digging into the tape on one side and lifting on the other. Should have done this a decade ago.
I also found out that the blue tip inductive probe works fine with 5 volts off the ramps pins without a voltage divider from the 12 volt input.
Hope this helps...