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My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build

Posted by Trike 
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 27, 2014 01:14PM
Is your HOB bolt tight and not slipping? I've only had to vary the E step from 640-670 depending on the filament I'm using.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 27, 2014 03:13PM
Just an update, Replikeo responded on the same day I asked them about my order status (5/22). Today I got e-mail that it was sent and a tracking number! smiling smiley
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 27, 2014 03:49PM
My tracking status hasn't changed in about 10 days, "Sent to airport". sad smiley
I'm hoping it will arrive this week. Thursday will mark the end of week 3 since I placed my order.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 27, 2014 04:04PM
Yesterday I started have problem with hobbed bolt. I don´t know why, but when extruder must use more than little force to pull filament from coil, hobbed bolt start eating my filament. I am thinking about new hobbed bolt. I am also thinking about new E3D v6 hotend. What version of E3D do you have Trike?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2014 04:18PM by Allnei.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 28, 2014 06:10AM
Ok, E steps sorted. Recalibrated again but this time without the hotend attached - cold extrusion M302. Calibrated to 693. Much better result with prints now.
I saw a Youtube tutorial where they measured the extrusion whilst the hotend was attached and heated to allow the filament to flow. This is how I'd done it, but I must have been extruding too fast or something causing it to jam intermittently during the calibration resulting in longer E steps!

The hobbed bolt is gripping just fine for me, now even more so.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 28, 2014 03:34PM
I have the E3D V5 hotend. I didn't know a v6 was going to be released, I would've waited for it. I haven't even installed the hotend yet, since I'm still trying to get the heatbed issues sorted out to print in ABS.

I also inspected the carbon plate replikeo sent me. It's completely warped. It's visually twisted. So far, it seems keeping the bed level has been a real challenge for me. Maybe the heatbed is warping every platform i'm using on it.

I removed the wires and cleaned the pads on the heatbed last night and resoldered on 14g wires. This ended up blowing the fuse I had installed. I measured the resistance on the wires and somehow I'm getting a complete short, even though the wires are installed correctly. I saw something about cheap heatbeds are able to be shorted to the other side of the bed because of the through hole. Is this something i'm experiencing? I don't understand how it ever could of worked. I installed the new wires the same way the original wires were installed. Was I just lucky with the original wires that it didn't touch the pads that causes the short? Seems like a crappy design, but that could because of the manufacturer. How are people fixing this?
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 28, 2014 04:23PM
Measure resistance of HB (on pads). Shout be about 1-2ohm. Also change wires from supply to RAMPS.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2014 07:26PM by Allnei.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 28, 2014 04:53PM
yeah.. I'm getting a dead short on the pads. 0.1ohms.

I'm also running the heatbed directly to the power supply through a relay, since the PTC always trips when the heatbed is wired directly to the ramps board.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 28, 2014 07:06PM
Check if your HB is not short through led diode. If you have 0.1ohms I don´t think, that it is safe to use it.

Finally I resolved problem with hobbed bolt. Springs that hold extuder idler lost some strength so idler was not pushing enough.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2014 07:26PM by Allnei.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 28, 2014 07:56PM
Finally received my kit today. Overall the packaging is not good. The box I received is roughly half the original box size. Needless to say much of the kit is destroyed.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 12:57AM
Dear customers,

We guarantee the replacement of any part that is not working at delivery.

Regarding our packaging, in order to avoid problems during delivery, we are now using polystyrene box put inside a strong cardboard box, as you can see on the attached picture.

You are welcome to get in touch with us if you have any remark or suggestion regarding our kit, or if you need replacement part because it was damaged during shipment.

Kind regards,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2014 12:58AM by replikeo.

Replikeo Team
open | download - packaging.jpg (351.3 KB)
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 09:30AM
Dear customers,

We guarantee the replacement of any part that is not working at delivery.

Regarding our packaging, in order to avoid problems during delivery, we are now using polystyrene box put inside a strong cardboard box, as you can see on the attached picture.

You are welcome to get in touch with us if you have any remark or suggestion regarding our kit, or if you need replacement part because it was damaged during shipment.

Kind regards,

Replikeo, thanks for being reactive and correcting your packaging. It seems we all had rough deliveries of varying magnitude, some unluckier than others.

Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 09:42AM
Allnei, after changing the wires between supply->ramps, not only is the heatbed heating faster, I now see intermittent misalignments in the print.
It's only out by a tiny fraction, but enough to cause a disfigured finish. I tried increasing/decreasing the stepper motor current, and also installed a second power supply to power everything other than the heatbed, but to no avail.

I found another link where someone had a similar issue which turned out to be the PC->USB communication. Once he changed to the LCD+SD the problem was gone. Link
I'm waiting for my LCD+SD kit to arrive, but in the meantime I'll try the Repetier software and see if it's any better.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 09:43AM
Yes unfortunately i'm an unlucky one. Litterally the nuts, bolts, bearings, jhead(still looks OK) and a few of the printed parts are still ok. The rest of the kit needs replacement. Just to give you an idea, the main frame is actually bent(you know how much force that takes to happen). Replikeo has been prompt to respond to my concerns and we are working on a solution for my order. Great communication.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 09:55AM
Tech2C I know about problem with PC->USB, I mention it in one of my posts on page 4. Right now, I am printing exclusively from SDcard and LCD module from Replikeo. Prints are much better than from PC.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2014 09:56AM by Allnei.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 11:09AM
jprochnow, Sorry to hear about your damaged package. I'm honestly surprised mine made it with such little damage, considering the box arrived pretty crushed. It sounds like yours was literally ran over by truck. Replikeo sent my replacement parts out right away. It took roughly 2 and half weeks to get them. However in your case, it sounds like you can't even start assembling it.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 11:16AM
I fixed my shorted out heatbed issue. It ended up being the through hole plating for both positive and negative are connected to the large copper layer. I just took a utility knife and cut the traces. Bed now reads 1.0ohms. However, I'm still getting uneven heating in the bed. One side of the bed is a good 10C lower than the other half. The side that's lower happens to be connected through the relay. I'm wondering if resistance is building up along that circuit from the relay and connectors. With the original wire, I was getting a good .8v drop. With the new wires, I'm only experiencing a .2v drop now. However, I'm still suspecting that when the relay kicks on to power the heat bed, it's causing a minute layer shift.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 01:57PM
I'm thinking of ordering a relay to have on-hand in case I have trouble with the heat bed. What are the specs on the one you're using? Does the HB really draw 30A? Is the trigger voltage 5v or 12v?
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 01:58PM
BTW, today begins week 4 of my wait. The status hasn't changed since the 15th. :/
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 03:24PM
It's just a standard 12v 30A relay that has a 12v trigger. I connected the solenoid up to D8 to trigger it. The Heatbed shouldn't draw that much. 10-15amps depending on the resistance of the heatbed.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 03:33PM
I'll attach some pictures tonight to show what the early packaging that replikeo used was. From what I hear the new packaging is far better. As for starting the build, I can open the misc parts and lay them on the table but that is about it at this point.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2014 03:35PM by jprochnow.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 10:53PM
Ordered May 8th. Destination: (upstate) New York

One website (track-chinapost.com) says, "Sent to airline". That was on 2014-05-18.
17track.net says, "Origin Post is Preparing Shipment".

At what point should I begin to worry?

11 days of "preparing" my shipment... by... kicking it down 82 flights of stairs and running it over with a forklift? :/
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 10:55PM
@Trike Thanks! I'm going to order one tonight! I thought the digital pins on the Arduinos output 5v. How are you getting it up to 12v to trigger the relay?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2014 11:29PM by gadget_greg.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 29, 2014 11:04PM
Well here it is.... This is exactly how my box was received. If I would have pressed on the top it would have pressed in even further. Also attached is the bent frame picture. Not much of a bend but when you are talking a printer that has this type of accuracy this bend will effect it.
open | download - 20140528_105445_resized.jpg (465.1 KB)
open | download - 20140528_105542_resized.jpg (480.1 KB)
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open | download - 20140528_132221_resized_2.jpg (195.7 KB)
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 30, 2014 01:42AM
jprochnow, that is a shocker. Looks like it's been used as a chair by a postal worker or something. The size of that gaping hole - is anything missing?

gadget_greg, lets hope your box is not delayed because it's torn open and spewed its guts out all over the place confused smiley

Trike, my heatbed has uneven heating as well, by as much as 10C. You mentioned through hole plating? According to the RepRap PCB Heatbed page LINK where it displays a warning message at the top, plated holes are an indication of plated tracks - no guarantee of plating thickness. Probably why we're seeing uneven heating. Have you tried printing from the SD card yet to see if the quality is improved?
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 30, 2014 03:55AM
Well here it is.... This is exactly how my box was received. If I would have pressed on the top it would have pressed in even further. Also attached is the bent frame picture. Not much of a bend but when you are talking a printer that has this type of accuracy this bend will effect it.
I have received mine few weeks ago. The packet was so destroyed that I refused it. The packet (in fact, parts of it) was resent to Replikeo.
I contact replikeo. They promise that they will send me another one, renforced with polystyrene, by dhl. I am waiting for it ... Hope I will receive it soon !
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 30, 2014 11:36AM
jprochnow: Your package is proof that China post is Hell. This is not Replikeo fault, there is no way how to secure package from this kind of handling.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 30, 2014 11:47AM
For the amount they charge for shipping I would think that a private carrier like DHL would not only server Replikeo's customers better but also save Replikeo the time, energy, money of reshipping damaged/missing parts. Not to mention the hits they take to their reputation for chinapost's poor handling. They DO have a choice. I personally think they'd be better served to NOT use chinapost in the future.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 30, 2014 12:10PM
I don't think that DHL will ship it under 150$. Standard package from Replikeo is 10kg and shipping of something that heavy is not cheap.
Re: My Replikeo Prusa i3 Rework Build
May 30, 2014 12:21PM
It can't be cheap for them to replace and reship parts either. There's a certain amount of goodwill to be had for quickly and willingly replacing parts but is it enough to overcome an initial bad experience?
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