Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 27, 2015 04:39PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 2 |
I just got my kit and have it mostly built. My only hang up now is the power cable for the power supply. After cutting the end off I was left with two brown wires and a black which I think is weird. How do I determine which wire goes where?
PS By the way for anyone who has recently purchased a kit or thinking about it, mine was complete and no broken parts and shipped earlier than the 10 days they say it takes.
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 27, 2015 04:53PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 4 |
I just got my kit and have it mostly built. My only hang up now is the power cable for the power supply. After cutting the end off I was left with two brown wires and a black which I think is weird. How do I determine which wire goes where?
PS By the way for anyone who has recently purchased a kit or thinking about it, mine was complete and no broken parts and shipped earlier than the 10 days they say it takes.
Just look at the attached picture and use your multimeter to check for continuity
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 28, 2015 10:39AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 52 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 28, 2015 11:18AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 26 |
Great, I've been having issues with that thing too...Quote
I finally fixed the problem I have been having with the squareness of my X & Y axis. Wow what a fight! The acrylic frame must be a bit twisted or something. In order to make the X & Y square I had to slide the right side frame bolt back like a half inch.
To measure how square these two axis were I used a piece of bed glass flat across the back of the X axis smooth rods and slid it down until it hit the bed. I placed my squares flat side on the glass and let the other side run down the heated bed. I loosened all 8 bolts that attach the acrylic frame to the bed frame and adjusted the bed frame until the heated bed was square with the X smooth rods.
After this I printed a case for my RepRap Discount Full Graphic Smart Controller and the pieces fit together perfectly! Very cool! I'm a bit worried that the acrylic frame will continue to warp over time but at least I have a good way to measure if it is off in the future. Any good links for replacement frames out there?
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 28, 2015 01:55PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
Hey Guys,
I just wanted to comment to Vanbot. I try to pop in here when I can but we have been so overwhelmed that I haven't had as much of an opportunity lately and for that I apologize.
We are working on a FAQ page on the website, an updated build guide, and possibly forums of our own!
These first 2 kits were definitely a learning experience for us and we definitely learned from the mistakes.
Our next kits and our upcoming fully assembled printer will be streamlined much better! We appreciate your business though and I think what people don't realize is there are only officially 3 of us here with the addition of our 2 new employees putting our kits together in the warehouse. We are working on hiring someone on for just support. I am glad there is a community like that that we can lean on in times when we can't handle the influx of emails. Although I do respond to everyone personally, sometimes it is not as fast as myself or they would like.
But again we are working on it! It's a slow process but we are getting there!
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 28, 2015 02:50PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 11 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 28, 2015 03:47PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 98 |
Has anyone upgraded to an E3D v6 hot end with a direct drive extruder? I want to upgrade but I do not want the added weight of a wade extruder on the x carraige. I've seen some bowden setups but don't want the headache of a bowden, I change colors a lot.
So if someone has switched out, please point me in the direction of the extruder you printed out for the E3d
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 28, 2015 04:02PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 41 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 28, 2015 10:06PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 52 |
Great, I've been having issues with that thing too...
Could you post some photos of the adjustment process.
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 12:32AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
Great, I've been having issues with that thing too...
Could you post some photos of the adjustment process.
First loosen the 8 nuts that attach the bed frame to the acrylic frame. Raise the extruder to 35mm and move the heated bed to about 100mm. Place the glass up against the X axis smooth rods as shown in the picture. Then use a decent square to check that the bed is square with the x axis. If you need adjustment you can move the bed frame a bit until you are square. Once you are square just tighten the nuts back up making sure not to move the acrylic frame or bed frame as you do. Check to make sure you are still square after the nuts are tight.
I tried to show the important pieces in the two pictures below. Let me know if you have any questions.
Speaking of questions, anyone else not able to run the smart controller unless the USB cable is plugged in??
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 07:09AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 116 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 07:15AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 116 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 10:25AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
You need diode D1 on the Ramps board to power the Arduino from the Ramps board. My board has this diode and I don't need the USB cable plugged in. Do a search for more info on the diode.
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 11:13AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 52 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 11:49AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 26 |
THanks for the pictures. I wil try that later.Quote
Great, I've been having issues with that thing too...
Could you post some photos of the adjustment process.
First loosen the 8 nuts that attach the bed frame to the acrylic frame. Raise the extruder to 35mm and move the heated bed to about 100mm. Place the glass up against the X axis smooth rods as shown in the picture. Then use a decent square to check that the bed is square with the x axis. If you need adjustment you can move the bed frame a bit until you are square. Once you are square just tighten the nuts back up making sure not to move the acrylic frame or bed frame as you do. Check to make sure you are still square after the nuts are tight.
I tried to show the important pieces in the two pictures below. Let me know if you have any questions.
Speaking of questions, anyone else not able to run the smart controller unless the USB cable is plugged in??
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 12:29PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 251 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 12:47PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 18 |
// Mechanical endstop with COM to ground and NC to Signal uses "false" here (most common setup). const bool X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. const bool Z_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING = false; // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 12:48PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
My hotend stopped extruding and I now have the dreaded clicking. I found a broken piece of filament under the drive gear and removed it and tried to extrude some ABS, however the filament makes it to the hotend but never out the nozzle. The nozzle is still bleeding a little bit but I can't get a line to extrude, only clicking. I'm guessing there is a clog, but I tried to stick a thin guitar string down the tube to remove some of the melted plastic but it's still not extruding. Any tips?
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 12:50PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 251 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 01:52PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 98 |
the hotend Folger supplies isn't very good. :-)
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 29, 2015 08:17PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
the hotend Folger supplies isn't very good. :-)
You continually say stuff like this which could give someone the wrong impression. I have had no problems with my hotend, clicking or anything else. My full graphics contoller worked 5 minutes after I followed the guidance (Toms) and has worked flawlessly ever sense.
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 30, 2015 01:56PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 20 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 30, 2015 05:20PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 98 |
Chris Rap
I built mine as given in the manual and had to only file the frame a little and i had some shorts in the drivers - but other than that both the software and the manual were fine. Vanbot - you must have configured yours incorrectly and most likely from the details about the endstop placement from the forum. My origin is in the top right corner and that is not a problem.
I've not had an issue that wasn't rooted in my own ignorance or poor calibration settings - and fixing that is part of calibrating your machine. FolgerTech and all of the reprap community is not to the point of turnkey machines - where you config and let it fly forever on the settings provided. My PLA rolls are all different in temps and properties - learn everything you can and try to think critically about a problem before asking for help.
The worst part of the construction manual was references to improper screw sizes (18mm when 16mm lengths were sent) and that was a no brainer. Could have used a diagram for the endstop placements - oh well, simple in practice. The photo shown on the manual matched my setup exactly and it works without fiddling with the firmware or anything. Criticism where criticism is due - you purchased the machine knowing that it required a sound knowledge of the mechanics, software and electrical work needed. This is not a novice kit you purchased and that's why I didn't have half the issues you did - I knew exactly what needed to be done in advance of even looking at the manual. Though always read twice and construct once.
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 30, 2015 08:39PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 81 |
the hotend Folger supplies isn't very good. :-)
You continually say stuff like this which could give someone the wrong impression. I have had no problems with my hotend, clicking or anything else. My full graphics contoller worked 5 minutes after I followed the guidance (Toms) and has worked flawlessly ever sense.
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 30, 2015 08:42PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
Chris Rap
I built mine as given in the manual and had to only file the frame a little and i had some shorts in the drivers - but other than that both the software and the manual were fine. Vanbot - you must have configured yours incorrectly and most likely from the details about the endstop placement from the forum. My origin is in the top right corner and that is not a problem.
Now, I do not have issues with the extruder clicking unless the following occurs:
*Bed not level - extruder cannot extrude plastic on to bed, jamming in the into hot end and causing clicks on feed
*Plastic extrusion feed too high for hot end - This is based on filament entering the hot zone and not being melted and extruded by proper feeding. This is a symptom of too low of temps and can exist on high infill prints where you feed high volumes at high speeds.
*Physical jams - Never happened on my Folger Tech, but this can occur with improper filament size and other mechanical issues.
I've not had an issue that wasn't rooted in my own ignorance or poor calibration settings - and fixing that is part of calibrating your machine. FolgerTech and all of the reprap community is not to the point of turnkey machines - where you config and let it fly forever on the settings provided. My PLA rolls are all different in temps and properties - learn everything you can and try to think critically about a problem before asking for help.
The worst part of the construction manual was references to improper screw sizes (18mm when 16mm lengths were sent) and that was a no brainer. Could have used a diagram for the endstop placements - oh well, simple in practice. The photo shown on the manual matched my setup exactly and it works without fiddling with the firmware or anything. Criticism where criticism is due - you purchased the machine knowing that it required a sound knowledge of the mechanics, software and electrical work needed. This is not a novice kit you purchased and that's why I didn't have half the issues you did - I knew exactly what needed to be done in advance of even looking at the manual. Though always read twice and construct once.
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 30, 2015 09:28PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
Chris Rap
I built mine as given in the manual and had to only file the frame a little and i had some shorts in the drivers - but other than that both the software and the manual were fine. Vanbot - you must have configured yours incorrectly and most likely from the details about the endstop placement from the forum. My origin is in the top right corner and that is not a problem.
I've not had an issue that wasn't rooted in my own ignorance or poor calibration settings - and fixing that is part of calibrating your machine. FolgerTech and all of the reprap community is not to the point of turnkey machines - where you config and let it fly forever on the settings provided. My PLA rolls are all different in temps and properties - learn everything you can and try to think critically about a problem before asking for help.
The worst part of the construction manual was references to improper screw sizes (18mm when 16mm lengths were sent) and that was a no brainer. Could have used a diagram for the endstop placements - oh well, simple in practice. The photo shown on the manual matched my setup exactly and it works without fiddling with the firmware or anything. Criticism where criticism is due - you purchased the machine knowing that it required a sound knowledge of the mechanics, software and electrical work needed. This is not a novice kit you purchased and that's why I didn't have half the issues you did - I knew exactly what needed to be done in advance of even looking at the manual. Though always read twice and construct once.
Almost the same as my experience to the letter. I've had one jam which was my fault. I had clicking once and that was because I was trying to retract instead of feed. My order took exactly 17 days from order to delivery. I've ordered many more items from Folger Tech and normal shipping time is usually 2-3 days. During those 17 days I read the manual at least 5 times, and watched this series on youtube probably 3 times beginning to end. I read this forum beginning to end 2-3 times. Needless to say I was well prepared for any curves that might have come. I also emailed back and forth a few times with the person who created that youtube series and Mindrealm from these forums. Both were extremely helpful and were able to immeditely resolve anything I couldn't quite figure out. Above, Vanbot refers to "Folger's Firmware". Thats a red flag to me as Folger doesn't have any firmware, there is a Folger Tech version of Marlin firmware, which is to get you in the ballpark. If you aren't running v1.0.2 of Marlin, there again you are most likely going to have issues as there are many suggestions in this thread based on the old version that Folger Tech refers too and the newer version of Marlin. I immediately used the new version and copied specific info from Folgers recommendations and worked from there.
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay April 30, 2015 09:31PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 21 |
I need some assistance from anyone who feels like offering. I am experiencing some issues mid-print where it will just stop completely. Twice in the past week I've left Johnny5 printing, and come back to the extruder in some random spot in the print just sitting there. My LCD is back at its main screen, and the bed and extruder stay on. Has anyone else had any experience with this? I print from my SD card with my USB plugged into a 120 to 5V cell charger. Maybe power issues?
Today I also noticed that in the middle of the print, the machine slowed to a super crawl. I'd seen it once before, but just dismissed it the same. I happened to be sitting right next to it when it slowed down exponentially. The printer was still at 100% speed, but I was able to crank it up to 400% and it seemed to take me back to normal.
Well, any help would be great. Thanks everyone!
P.S. Anybody located in Ohio?
Off the top of my head, below are a few things I would look at first.
Have you tried running it from a PC?
What does your wiring look like?
Could something be getting snagged at a certain z height?
How hot are your stepper motors getting?
Do you have any cooling on your ramps board?
Have you tried just wiggling wires around during a print to see if cuts out? (looking for a lose connection)
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay May 01, 2015 12:00AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 53 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay May 01, 2015 01:10AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 20 |
Re: Folger Prusa i3 Kit from ebay May 01, 2015 02:18AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 156 |
I need some assistance from anyone who feels like offering. I am experiencing some issues mid-print where it will just stop completely. Twice in the past week I've left Johnny5 printing, and come back to the extruder in some random spot in the print just sitting there. My LCD is back at its main screen, and the bed and extruder stay on. Has anyone else had any experience with this? I print from my SD card with my USB plugged into a 120 to 5V cell charger. Maybe power issues?
Today I also noticed that in the middle of the print, the machine slowed to a super crawl. I'd seen it once before, but just dismissed it the same. I happened to be sitting right next to it when it slowed down exponentially. The printer was still at 100% speed, but I was able to crank it up to 400% and it seemed to take me back to normal.
Well, any help would be great. Thanks everyone!
P.S. Anybody located in Ohio?
Off the top of my head, below are a few things I would look at first.
Have you tried running it from a PC?
What does your wiring look like?
Could something be getting snagged at a certain z height?
How hot are your stepper motors getting?
Do you have any cooling on your ramps board?
Have you tried just wiggling wires around during a print to see if cuts out? (looking for a lose connection)
ARGHHHHH!!!! It has happened again! I just got my baby back up and running after a whole bunch of new bearings and fan mounts, etc. Again, a failed print. This time the display says 2 hours 40 minutes. It just stopped mid-print. My hot-end and bed are still on.
I've added a battery back up UPS, put a 60mm fan on my ramps board. All the wires have good continuity through all build ranges of motion. I'm on a new arduino and ramps(fried the 5v on the old one). This time, I was only running off of my 120 power supply, no USB. I've got a fan on my x-axis motor, which was the only one that got "hot" for me.
I'm losing my mind with this damn thing. It prints beautifully, while it is printing; which is apparently only for short periods of time...