Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 01, 2016 11:29AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 130 |
Ok so i tried looking through the forum before posting my question, but it seems that it would be like finding a needle in a hay stack with the amount of post on here. So i got my printer put together and installed all the software, but when i get to the configuration set up, go through all the printer configurations and then try to CONNECT to the printer i get a fatal error " correct error then continue." So i dont want to go switching wires around trying to figure out what is wrong, I did notice that are some inconsistencies between the beta, and released manuals on top of some conflicting instructions in the release manual itself.
1) The heated bed is shown wired two different ways in the released manual
I'm am using the following in Arduino:Quote
2) The End stop for the y axis i think is shown in both the 7th and 6th column of pins, between the beta and released manual.
Those are all the errors in the latest version of the manual. Which both or none could be causing my error.\
In the Arduino IDE i did notice that you can now only pick between either the Mega 2550 or the Mega ADK but not both that could also cause the issue.
One more bit of info is that the heated bed is not getting hot and in the fetal Error Box i get, The message also says that the temp has been reset, and that i can use m9696 to reset the printer. Well that is what i have so far. seems that this community is pretty helpful. hope i can use my printer at least once before it breaks.
// Parameters for all extruder heaters #define THERMAL_RUNAWAY_PROTECTION_PERIOD 40 //in seconds #define THERMAL_RUNAWAY_PROTECTION_HYSTERESIS 5 // in degree Celsius // If you want to enable this feature for your bed heater, // uncomment the 2 defines below: // Parameters for the bed heater #define THERMAL_RUNAWAY_PROTECTION_BED_PERIOD 60 //in seconds #define THERMAL_RUNAWAY_PROTECTION_BED_HYSTERESIS 5 // in degree Celsius
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 01, 2016 09:05PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 541 |
tjnamtiw, I think you might be right. It is flashing while going up. I did not know the error would cause that. I have problems getting it to repeat the same problem enough to figure out what exactly it is doing. That also says voltage problem. Have a power strip on the bench behind the printer with two 2.1A USB plugs. That should be enough power. Have to try it later, connected the Z endstop back up tonight so I can play with the printer some more.
The flashing means the BLTouch is in an error state. When it is in an error state, for safety it will always report that it is touching the bed. That's what makes Marlin go up and up. It activates the probe and immediately gets a signal that it is touching, so it things the current height is 0 and goes up to the "raise between z probes" height for the next check. The next check will also immediately report contact, and thus it just keeps going up until it is done checking.
The important thing is to figure out why it is getting into an error state.
It can happen if the z is too low when the printer turns on or resets. If the BLTouch tries to self-test, and can't deploy the pin completely, it will go into an error state.
It can have an error if the pin sticks and doesn't deploy. This can happen if you raise it up too high using the setscrew in the top of the BLTouch, or if the pin gets glue or hairspray, or whatever other bed adhesive you use on it.
Like tjnamtiw said, it can also happen if you don't have enough current for the BLTouch. I never had this problem with mine. Many others have also had it work fine with power from the ramps board. My only difference from stock in this regard, is that I'm not using the original Folger Arduino board. A short in my original LCD fried mine, and I swapped it with another I had lying around. It might be the one I'm using has a better voltage regulator, although that seems unlikely.
Once it is in an error state, it won't work correctly until it is reset. I put the reset command in my start gcode in my slicers.
M280 P0 S160 ; Reset BLTouch
Be sure you put it before the Home (G28) and autolevel (G29). I also like to add a raise before the reset, to make sure the probe has room to deploy.
Here's my full start code for Cura:
;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time} ;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density} ;Print time: {print_time} ;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g ;Filament cost: {filament_cost} M140 S{print_bed_temperature} ; Start heating bed G1 Z10 ; Raise head 10 M400 ; Wait for all moves to finish M280 P0 S160 ; Reset BLTouch G28 ; Home all axis G29 ; Auto Level G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M107 ;start with the fan off M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode G1 X25 Y0 F{travel_speed} ; Move to start wipe position G1 Z0.05 ; move nozzle close to bed (0.05) M109 S{print_temperature} ; Heat nozzle and wait until ready M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ; Now wait until bed is hot G92 E0 ; zero the extruder position G1 X25 Y0 Z.35 F900 ; Move up to 0.35 G1 X0 Y0 Z.15 E5 F225 ; Move the 25mm to 0,0 lowering head as you go, and extruding 5mm G1 X0 Y25 Z5 F3600 ; Move 25mm to 0,25 raising head to 5mm M400 ; wait until we get there G92 E0 ; zero the extruder position G1 F{travel_speed} ;Put printing message on LCD screen M117 Printing...
For Slic3r the only difference is the variable names for the temperatures and stuff:
M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; start heating bed G1 Z10 ; Raise head 10 M400 ; Wait for all moves to finish M280 P0 S160 ; Reset BLTouch G28 ; home all axes G29 ; Auto Level G90; absolute coordinates G1 X25 Y0 ; Move to start position of wipe 25,0 G1 Z0.05 ; move nozzle close to bed (0.05) M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; heat nozzle and wait until reached M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed temperature M82 ; use absolute distances for extruder G92 E0 ; zero the extruder position G1 X25 Y0 Z.35 F900 ; Move up to 0.35 G1 X0 Y0 Z.15 E5 F225 ; Move the 25mm to 0,0 lowering head as you go, and extruding 5mm G1 X0 Y25 Z5 F3600 ; Move 25mm to 0,25 raising head to 5mm M400 ; wait until we get there G92 E0 ; zero the extruder position M117 Printing...
Also, just for completeness, here is what my end code looks like:
M400 ; Wait for the buffer to clear M104 S0 ; turn off nozzle heater M140 S0 ; turn off heat bed G91 ; Switch to relative movement G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure G1 Z10 F5000 ; move z up 10 G90 ; Back to absolute positioning G1 X0 Y185 F5000 ; Move bed forward and head to left M400 ; Wait for movements to finish M84 ; disable motors
The same end code should work for Cura or Slic3r.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 05, 2016 07:44PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 4 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 05, 2016 08:03PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 367 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 06, 2016 07:07AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 65 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 06, 2016 01:05PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 9 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 06, 2016 06:20PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 65 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 07, 2016 01:52PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 92 |
I apologize for posting this on an earlyer thread before I saw this dedicated one!
Hello I have built the Folger 2020 about a month ago and have been enjoying amazing prints!
However everything printed was all relative to itself so dimensions where never important.
I have a project that requires precise sizes to be fitted onto a model I am making.
I printed a 60mm x 60mm x 60mm cube (20% infill)
The resulting cube was 60.4 x 60 x 57mm sad smiley
57 on the Z
I looked in the configuration for marlin and Z was set to 4000. I change it to 3840 and then ended up with 58.6 which is better but not correct.
Rather than playing with this number is there a better way to gain the accuracy or other things I can look at ?
Belts are both snug. Frame is Square.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 07, 2016 02:01PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 92 |
Hey all!
I'm having one MAJOR issue with my printer. Ever since I got this printer a few months ago, I have not been able to get a good print since my first print. The filament will not extrude for some reason. I'm using a 2020 Prusa i3. Any pointers?
Some issues that I'm running into are the following -
- Filament won't extrude when I command it to do so using Repetier
- Filament will not stick to build plate (tape, glue, no grip aids)
- Filament will stick and then will become stringy within the same build layer
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I'm extremely frustrated because I want to print so many things but can't even get a calibration print going.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 07, 2016 06:20PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 130 |
Hey all!
I'm having one MAJOR issue with my printer. Ever since I got this printer a few months ago, I have not been able to get a good print since my first print. The filament will not extrude for some reason. I'm using a 2020 Prusa i3. Any pointers?
Some issues that I'm running into are the following -
- Filament won't extrude when I command it to do so using Repetier
- Filament will not stick to build plate (tape, glue, no grip aids)
- Filament will stick and then will become stringy within the same build layer
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I'm extremely frustrated because I want to print so many things but can't even get a calibration print going.
There's so much that could be happening. Are you heating your hotend before trying to extrude with Repetier? (the firmware will prevent extrusion unless the nozzle is at least 170-180 deg.)
After you've checked your extruder as animoose describes, if you are still having trouble, can you post a video of the printer in action? Maybe upload your configuration.h and slicer settings too.
- Filament will stick and then will become stringy within the same build layer
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 08, 2016 12:23PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 12 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 08, 2016 02:15PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 9 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 08, 2016 03:12PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 92 |
So i have been printing with mine for a while and have been working on some upgrade parts. I am making a new X Ideler piece as my lower bearing keeps falling out of it. Only problem is my circles printed in the Z axis are sort of squished down.
I have noticed this before and it really didn't mater as nothing had to be precise in that axis, but this piece will need to be or the rods won't be parallel.
Any advice on that. I will try to post a picture later. - THANKS!
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 08, 2016 03:23PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 9 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 08, 2016 04:29PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 9 |
// default settings #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {80,80,3840,90} // default steps per unit for ultimaker {78.7402,78.7402,200*8/3,760*1.1}920 #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {250, 250, 2, 22} // (mm/sec) #define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {1000,1000,5,1000} // X, Y, Z, E maximum start speed for accelerated moves. E default values are good for skeinforge 40+, for older versions raise them a lot. #define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 500 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for printing moves #define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION 500 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for r retracts // Offset of the extruders (uncomment if using more than one and relying on firmware to position when changing). // The offset has to be X=0, Y=0 for the extruder 0 hotend (default extruder). // For the other hotends it is their distance from the extruder 0 hotend. // #define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_X {0.0, 20.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the X axis // #define EXTRUDER_OFFSET_Y {0.0, 5.00} // (in mm) for each extruder, offset of the hotend on the Y axis // The speed change that does not require acceleration (i.e. the software might assume it can be done instanteneously) #define DEFAULT_XYJERK 20.0 // (mm/sec) #define DEFAULT_ZJERK 0.4 // (mm/sec) #define DEFAULT_EJERK 5.0 // (mm/sec)
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 09, 2016 12:37AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 9 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 09, 2016 12:43AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 9 |
Anybody using Cura 2.1.1 yet? June 09, 2016 03:33PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 6 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 09, 2016 05:09PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 92 |
I just re-read the posts above mine. I will change it to 4000. I must have read that wrong the last time - sorry.
I should say - i was really impressed with the print quality of the piece I just posted. This machine is pretty cool!!!!!
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 11, 2016 02:30PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 4 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 11, 2016 02:59PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 4 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 11, 2016 04:07PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 4 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 11, 2016 04:18PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 367 |
@animoose - Got it! Working on a build right now! My issue was that the set screws keeping the gear in place with the shaft weren't tightened whatsoever. Once I tightened those bad boys up, it extrudes perfectly fine now! Thanks so much for the help.
Filament jaming June 12, 2016 03:53PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 314 |
Re: Filament jaming June 12, 2016 09:45PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 430 |
This doesnt happen very often, but lately its happend twice in a row. My filament will jam in the middle of a print, and I can hear clicking noises coming out of the extruder... I noticed filament was jammed inside my hotend, so I just heated the hotend up really hot and pushed out the plastic.
1. Im wondering what causes this to happen randomely?
2. Is it time for me to get a new hotend?
3.A few things I noticed, my hotend seeps plastic, especially when im extruding really fast. When I heat up my hotend to say, 250C its loose, it can be turned both directions easily. Should it be tightened all the way to the right?
I just want to say this printer has been a workhorse for me for awhile now, it prints just fine and has required low maintence. Its probably time to give it an upgrade
Re: Filament jaming June 12, 2016 10:50PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 541 |
This doesnt happen very often, but lately its happend twice in a row. My filament will jam in the middle of a print, and I can hear clicking noises coming out of the extruder... I noticed filament was jammed inside my hotend, so I just heated the hotend up really hot and pushed out the plastic.
1. Im wondering what causes this to happen randomely?
2. Is it time for me to get a new hotend?
3.A few things I noticed, my hotend seeps plastic, especially when im extruding really fast. When I heat up my hotend to say, 250C its loose, it can be turned both directions easily. Should it be tightened all the way to the right?
I just want to say this printer has been a workhorse for me for awhile now, it prints just fine and has required low maintence. Its probably time to give it an upgrade
Re: Filament jaming June 13, 2016 02:24PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 92 |
This doesnt happen very often, but lately its happend twice in a row. My filament will jam in the middle of a print, and I can hear clicking noises coming out of the extruder... I noticed filament was jammed inside my hotend, so I just heated the hotend up really hot and pushed out the plastic.
1. Im wondering what causes this to happen randomely?
2. Is it time for me to get a new hotend?
3.A few things I noticed, my hotend seeps plastic, especially when im extruding really fast. When I heat up my hotend to say, 250C its loose, it can be turned both directions easily. Should it be tightened all the way to the right?
I just want to say this printer has been a workhorse for me for awhile now, it prints just fine and has required low maintence. Its probably time to give it an upgrade
The stock hot end will serve you well for quite a while. If it's spinning, the set screw holding the threaded tube is loose or the nozzle/threaded tube junction isn't correct. That tube should be run up several turns above the heat break block so it's closer to the extruder gear and prevent jams. Then it should be run far enough down into the hot end so that when you screw in the nozzle, the nozzle hits it before it bottoms out. You should have a thread or two showing on the nozzle, Tighten the nozzle against the threaded tube, which gives you the seal to prevent any leakage. Retighten when it's way up in temperature again. NO LEAKS and no need for a new hot end yet! Just get it set up correctly.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) June 14, 2016 10:58PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 65 |
BLTouch sensor Marlin configuration for the 2020 i3 Folger Tech June 15, 2016 10:14AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 6 |
Re: BLTouch sensor Marlin configuration for the 2020 i3 Folger Tech June 15, 2016 11:56AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 93 |
Anybody have BLTouch sensor Marlin setup working properly on the 2020 i3 Folger Tech ?