Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 29, 2016 08:06PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 285 |
Found it. First miss informed by my daughter, I is a "Thermal Runaway" error not "Thermal Breakdown". Sorry about that. Got it to do it again while testing. Seems that I just mounted a new radial type cooling fan on the print head and after checking looks like the fan blows out at an angle. Not straight out of the opening like I was thinking. At the angle it is blowing directly on the hot end. From what I have read this will cause the Thermal Runaway error. Where exactly should the air be blowing?
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 30, 2016 12:55AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 93 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 30, 2016 03:19PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 314 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 30, 2016 03:48PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 285 |
Can the stock folgertech 2020 print Taulman 910 nylon?
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 30, 2016 04:35PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 1 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 30, 2016 11:47PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 314 |
Have you tried at all? I guess the stuff prints at 245c...Quote
Can the stock folgertech 2020 print Taulman 910 nylon?
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 31, 2016 09:08AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 285 |
Have you tried at all? I guess the stuff prints at 245c...Quote
Can the stock folgertech 2020 print Taulman 910 nylon?
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 31, 2016 10:56AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 59 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 31, 2016 11:02AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 285 |
Has anyone ever tried to run multiple FT2020s off the same computer to print the same thing? I would think it would be easy to do, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. Is there a USB splitter that would make this possible?
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 31, 2016 11:08AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 314 |
I would just reccomend getting a cheap sd card reader for the printer and run it off of the gcode from a sd card. Much easier and then the stupid pc wont do a windows update midprint.Quote
Has anyone ever tried to run multiple FT2020s off the same computer to print the same thing? I would think it would be easy to do, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. Is there a USB splitter that would make this possible?
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 31, 2016 11:09AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 314 |
Im thinking ill try it... Let you know how it goes. I guess the 910 nylon stuff is one of the strongest filaments consumers can buyQuote
Have you tried at all? I guess the stuff prints at 245c...Quote
Can the stock folgertech 2020 print Taulman 910 nylon?
I have not tried it, but i would guess it should print fine. In my deleted post, i was said that it could not print because the temps were too high, but then looked at their website and saw that it prints at a temp less than the max temp for the stock printer
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 31, 2016 11:10AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 59 |
Can this gold filament be saved??
you can see it is all popped and distorted while the white filament (extruded right after) is smooth.
i keep all my filament in an air tight container with moisture absorber.
[attachment 81646 20160721_221102.jpg]
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) July 31, 2016 02:38PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 16 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 01, 2016 03:07PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 4 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 01, 2016 03:49PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 129 |
Re: counterfeit Arduinos August 01, 2016 04:00PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 6 |
#1: One of my bigger complaints for FolgerTech is their use of counterfeit Arduinos. Being open source, there are quality inexpensive Arduino clones out there, but these aren't among them. I've built four 2020 i3s now, and all four of the Megas I've got from FT have suffered 5V regulator failures. Buy a board from a reputable source, you'll need it.
Re: counterfeit Arduinos August 01, 2016 05:20PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 129 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 01, 2016 06:16PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5 |
Has anyone ever tried to run multiple FT2020s off the same computer to print the same thing? I would think it would be easy to do, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. Is there a USB splitter that would make this possible?
usb splitters do exist, but you would most likely run into issues with data being sent back to the computer from the printer. The proper way to do it would probably be to have multiple instances of your host program open, and have your printers printing from different usb ports.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 01, 2016 07:24PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 92 |
Has anyone ever tried to run multiple FT2020s off the same computer to print the same thing? I would think it would be easy to do, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. Is there a USB splitter that would make this possible?
usb splitters do exist, but you would most likely run into issues with data being sent back to the computer from the printer. The proper way to do it would probably be to have multiple instances of your host program open, and have your printers printing from different usb ports.
I have been very successful printing with OctoPi running on a $30 Raspberry PI. Slicer will write the file directly to the OctoPi, and then initiate the print from the web based GUI. This way I do not tie up a computer, and can easily monitor the progress of the print with out having to head out the the shop every 5 minutes.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 01, 2016 07:31PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 92 |
I'm having a severe underextrusion problem with PETG. I think its a retraction issue letting the material harden in the cool zone, making it hard to push the filament through. I have not had this problem (yet?) with PLA or ABS.
Just prior to this print, I printed a differently shaped object which turned out beautifully. And as you can see, this print started out fine, as did subsequent failed attempts. Most things I've printed with PETG come out fine, but I've had this problem a few times sporadically. I thought it might be the nozzle clogging with dirt in the filament, but it still happened once while using a filament guide/cleaner. I'm using the stock hot end, but I've replaced the heatbreak tube and nozzle with similar ones on Amazon. I'm temped to switch to an E3D Lite6 (don't really want to spring for the v6, but if it takes care of this issue for good, I might), but I'm not sure that will really solve the problem.
I've never changed the retraction settings from whatever they were set to when I installed Repetier-Host. Its 1mm at 30mm/s, which doesn't seem like much. But it is set to retract on layer change. Since this part has pretty small layers, its doing layer changes rather quickly. Another piece that had the same problem also had small layers. I've slowed down print speeds to 25mm/s to try avoiding this, which worked in the past, but this time I've had three unsuccessful attempts.
The nozzle is tightened against the heatbreak tube when its hot, so its not leaking or sucking in air (had that problem already). I suppose I could try disabling retraction for this piece, but I thought I would put this out there in case anyone else has seen a similar phenomenon.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 01, 2016 09:07PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 16 |
I doubt it's a retraction problem. 1mm is nothing. I was running 4mm with the stock hotend when I switched to a Bowden. (I've since switched back to a direct drive, with a lite6). Due to a bug in Simplify3D I had a retraction happening that was 12mm with the Lite6 and didn't have any problems, although I fixed the issue as soon as I discovered it.
If it was a problem pushing the filament through, you should hear the stepper motor skipping.
I'm wondering if perhaps your extruder stepper driver is overheating? If it's getting too hot on the longer prints, it will shutdown for brief moments, which would result in severe under extrusion. Check your vRef on the driver and see what your current is. Is the extruder motor getting really hot? If so, turning down the current may help. You can also try setting up a desk fan to blow on the RAMPS, helping to keep the driver cool, and see of that makes a difference.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 01, 2016 09:08PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 129 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 01, 2016 09:23PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 62 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 01, 2016 11:23PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 16 |
I am running a part cooling fan (a Diiicooler with a blower fan, works great) in addition to the stock hotend fan. I have it turned off for the first 10 layers so it doesn't cool the bed.Quote
Is the nozzle maintaining temperature? Are you running a cooling fan?
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 02, 2016 03:59AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 129 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 02, 2016 12:35PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 02, 2016 01:52PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 92 |
I recently had a problem where the cooling fan on a printer (not my personal one, I haven't installed one yet) cooled the nozzle too much when it turned on. Make sure that's not happening.
Also, about OctoPrint--I've downloaded the OctoPi image, and can't get it to work. I mean, at all. Downloaded the image from GitHub, burned the image to an SD card, plugged into the Pi, and it acts like the Pi doesn't have a card in it. It's like the image is screwed, because I can't mount the drive on my Linux machine to look around, it breaks the partition table or something. I can hose the drive and repartition it, but I'm making no progress, and I can find nearly no troubleshooting information on it at all. Like most of the rest of 3D printing, you have to be born knowing how it works, because no one wrote anything down.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 02, 2016 02:11PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 92 |
Thanks for the feedback. I really don't know how much retraction affects prints/clogging, so it was just a guess.
I have run quite a few 6+ hour prints with good results using ABS and PLA. I've also run long prints with this and another color of PETG, but the models were bigger. None of the stepper drivers get very hot, and I checked the Vref with I first set up the printer and they seemed reasonable (can't remember the numerical values now). The X motor, Z motors, and E motor all get uncomfortably hot when printing (Y, the biggest motor, is nice and cool). But I don't seem to have any trouble. I ran a 5 hour print last night with PLA and everything came out fine.
I am running a part cooling fan (a Diiicooler with a blower fan, works great) in addition to the stock hotend fan. I have it turned off for the first 10 layers so it doesn't cool the bed.Quote
Is the nozzle maintaining temperature? Are you running a cooling fan?
I'm surprised at how stable the nozzle temp is. It varies a degree up or down while printing. One reason I'm hesitant to replace the hot end is I don't know if I could get the PID tuning as good as it is now.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 02, 2016 02:21PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 92 |
Has been a while since I posted or read the thread, and now it's 169 pages looooong!!
I moved to my own house and now my i3 has a permanent home on my studio room, recalibrated the bed by hand and do a excellent print to test if all was running fine after the whole ordeal of moving and packing in and out...
I'm just tired to do the level of the bed manually and spend 30 minutes going up and down and playing with the screws, so I just finish to print the parts for the classic auto level (servo and switch) and I'm ready to install it, so the question it's do we have some documentation or kind of guide to the Auto level for our Folger i3?
I'm sure that the subject has being already talked here but honestly there are too many pages that i will have to read in order to find it! I already google it and found some guides but not sure wich one is the most accurate for our hardware plus if I have some questions will be more easy to understand what is going on if we have the same reference to start with.
Re: Folger Tech 2020 i3 Printer Kit (Official Thread) August 02, 2016 06:05PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 4 |
#1: One of my bigger complaints for FolgerTech is their use of counterfeit Arduinos. Being open source, there are quality inexpensive Arduino clones out there, but these aren't among them. I've built four 2020 i3s now, and all four of the Megas I've got from FT have suffered 5V regulator failures. Buy a board from a reputable source, you'll need it.