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P3Steel build printed parts assembly

Posted by Xecut0r 
P3Steel build printed parts assembly
July 14, 2015 04:54PM
Hi I am assembling a p3steel printer, using these printed parts P3STEEL

photo 20150714_145826_zpsl5jblums.jpg Bearing printed parts I have 4 of these 2 have teeth included 623zz bearings, Problem is I can only fit bearings on two of them. If I tried forcing bearings into the other two, They would split the hole is 9mm the bearing is 10mm according to my calipers. The listing on ebay only shows three, one for the Y idler and two others I'm not sure where they all go.
photo 20150714_150718_zpszhppxgnh.jpg photo 20150714_153149_zpsk6wqqtpc.jpg There is no guide for putting these parts together except a spanish video who has a different version of printed parts Do I need to use a spring / bolt from inside to the outside, does anybody know what sizes? also massive amount of bearing pulley bolt space, on this X belt tensioner.
Thanks for any assistance you can give
Re: P3Steel build printed parts assembly
July 14, 2015 05:30PM
I found that to be true on this build also, the only instructions are in Spanish. I'm putting together a video to solve that. Meanwhile the bearing goes into smaller green piece with an appropriate length M3 bolt and nut. On the other side opposite of the bearing should be room for an M4 screw so insert the screw and probably a washer so that the head is pointing toward the bearing. Then slide that sub assembly with the bearing and nut into the other piece so that the triangular pieces match.

Sort of like this: [www.thingiverse.com]
Re: P3Steel build printed parts assembly
July 14, 2015 06:48PM
photo 20150714_231211_zpsravaahqv.jpg photo 20150714_230842_zpsqmwfxqao.jpg photo 20150714_230914_zpsqq3ebmcd.jpg

I had to cut a hole to put the bolt through the tensioner, The head is not locked from spinning as the printed hole is cylindrical. I dont have any m6 till tomorrow, Thats using a 60mm m4 bolt 36mm long spring. It should be ok. till I can print spare parts my other concern is the plastic pulley, the gap is big quite large, there is not much flange to stop the belt coming off. even if I pack it with loads of washers.
Re: P3Steel build printed parts assembly
July 17, 2015 10:12AM
I see that kit has no frame. Is not the P3steel all about the steel frame?
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