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Inability to set the table dimensions.

Posted by NikosK 
Inability to set the table dimensions.
March 03, 2016 12:53PM
I have finished the constraction of the printer and now I have stuck in the table limits an dimensions.
I have installed the end stops and configured them as min end from the bios. The x and z endstop are on the left of the side of the printer where the x axis motor is installed, and the y axis in the back next to the motor.
the first issue I have is with manual controls. I home at xyz without any issues, and then try to move at any axis to the other end using the buttons. I can press only 2-3 times the axis button after that it stops working. I can see the command in the terminal and I can see from the lcd screen of the printer the the printer thinks that the motor moved, but it didn't. If I wait some time the button can be used again. So I can't see manualy the end of the tables. This happens with both repetier and Printrun
I loaded repetier and tried to print something. In the x and z axis everything seemed to work ok but in the y axis the table moved out of bounds at the back of the machine. The y movement was so wrong that at one moment the table was forced over the y endstop "jumping" over it.
From the settings of the repetier program I saw that each endstop can be tuned as min or max distance. In my case all where at min distance but maybe the y endstop should be at MAX setting?
I don't know what to do, any help is more than welcomed
Re: Inability to set the table dimensions.
March 04, 2016 03:02AM
Your endstop config looks OK, but maybe you disabled min_software_endstops in firmware? That's, why the bed runs beyond the endstop.
What does the Display read after homing? Should be X0 Y0 Z0

Also look if you've checked the bed_center at 0,0 checkbox in your slicer, which is useful for deltas only.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2016 03:03AM by o_lampe.
Re: Inability to set the table dimensions.
March 04, 2016 08:58AM
Thanks for the reply. The endstops work and I ve tested them many times.and never tried to disacle them. As for bed_center I will look at it, I didn't know there was an option ( if I use bed center it should be at the middle or the x,y axis? lets say 1000:1000 in mm?)
Is there a way to dictate where to start printing? I have 18cm in each x and y axis.
Re: Inability to set the table dimensions.
March 05, 2016 11:35AM
An update....
I m completely confused with the y axis movement and response. As I wrote the endstop is at the far end of the table, configured as min stop and mechanicaly works.
The home function moves the bed at the back and the print head at the start of the x and z axis (left front corner of the table).
I pressed the y +10cm button but nothing happened, the table didn't move from the starting point. Then I thought that I have reversed the y axis and pressed -10 cm in order to move. The table pushed aside the endstop and tried to move backwards toward the motor. That time I cut the power of the printer.
What I have done wrong? Is it possible to home ok but move like this or even the y home is wrong?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2016 11:35AM by NikosK.
Re: Inability to set the table dimensions.
March 06, 2016 04:07AM

What does the Display read after homing? Should be X0 Y0 Z0

Does the x-axis act the same?

Did you try to send Gcode commands directly?

G90   ; set absolute positioning
G1 X0 Y10 Z0
Re: Inability to set the table dimensions.
March 06, 2016 05:24AM
thanks for the reply.
With absolute positioning y seems to work normaly for the first tries. I used y10, y20, y100 and y20 and the head positioning on the y axis corresponted to the graph that is printed on the hotend.
After that the things got wierd again. The next command x0 y0 z0 didn't show any movement, so I used the home button to home all axis.
Then I wrote g1 x0 y100 z0 and nothing moved and finaly I wrote g1 x20 y0 z0 and the table moved only the y axis again bypassing the endstop switch???
Did the home button removed the g90 command?
I don't know what I should do next.
p.s I have
#define INVERT_X_DIR false
#define INVERT_Y_DIR true
#define INVERT_Z_DIR false
in my config file. Can the second line be in fault?
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