Hey all, this is my first post, and I didn't know where exactly to put it because I have a question about the printer AND about the firmware. So let me know if I need to post this somewhere else. Anyway, I bought my first 3D printer a couple weeks ago-a TEVO Tarantula-and so far I'm pretty happy with it! I assembled it with the help of ArcadEd's videos here: [
www.youtube.com] and they saved my ass, seeing as the printer came with badly pictured instructions that just kind of ended after all the carriages and the frame were complete. And now, after having finished the build and my first several prints, I have quite a few questions. And please remember that I'm a complete newbie in the 3D printing world, but I'm a quick study. So bear with me.
Question 1: I bought my printer here: [
www.3dprintersonlinestore.com] and a Tarantula is clearly pictured, and that's exactly what I got, but the site labels it the "Electron Slimbot." And to add further confusion, when I turn my printer on, the LCD says "Migbot," and it says the same in the printer information window in Repetier-Host. Migbot, according to this post [
forums.reprap.org] refers to another printer in the same line as the Tarantula (I found out which printer they were talking about by looking at the pictures posted and downloading the .STLs of the printed parts, all of which were different from the Tarantula). But that doesn't mean "Migbot" can't refer to other printers in the same line. Because, you know, China. They like to provide things without adequate documentation. Having said all that, I still don't know which name to refer to my specific printer with when I'm looking for things like firmware-seeing as the actual Tarantula and the Slimbot (or Migbot) seem to come with different firmware (more on that in the next question).
Question 2: More importantly, continuing on the subject of firmware, I've been running my printer with its factory installed firmware with no changes (apart from those made in the slicer) thus far. And it's been running...okay. It definitely produces good results for not having changed anything, but it's not producing the results I know it can, or the ones that I want. Therefore, I'm looking to flash new firmware onto my board (an MKS Base v1.2) so I can tweak it more than what EEPROM in Repetier-Host allows. I've been having trouble with EEPROM anyway, but that's a story for another time. My issue here is that I don't know the values that anything in the factory firmware is set at, and I don't want to guess at them when configuring a blank slate version of the config file. I want to have the default, factory firmware to flash onto the board, then mess with those settings. So I went to TEVO's website and found their latest version of the Tarantula's firmware here: [
tevo3dprinterstore.com] It's Repetier firmware, right? The name of the file says Repetier, and when I open it in Arduino, it's definitely Repetier style. But when I have my printer connected to Repetier-Host and open the printer information window, it says the printer has Marlin firmware. Question is, since the Slimbot that I'm running and the Tarantula are the exact same printer, could I use the default Tarantula firmware and be okay? Or might some of the hardware have changed, like thermistor type and such?
Question 3: I've never used Arduino or programmed anything before. Therefore, messing with the firmware is a mystery to me. Or, should I say, it WOULD have been a mystery to me if it weren't for Thomas Sanladerer's firmware basics videos on YouTube. One slight issue-in those videos, Tom is going through all the settings with Marlin firmware. And I can't find a default Marlin configuration for my printer, so I'm kind of stuck with Repetier if I don't want to create a config file from scratch. What IS still a mystery to me is Repetier firmware. The biggest issues I've run into in my very short dive into it have been trying to find thermistor and board numbers. There's no list ANYWHERE that I can find of how Repetier numbers boards or thermistor types. Then there's this-at the top of the config.h file I downloaded from TEVO's website, it says: "This configuration file was created with the configuration tool. For that reason, it does not contain the same informations as the original Configuration.h file. It misses the comments and unused parts." Pretty sure that's why I can't find a list of boards or thermistors. And it's also why I don't completely trust this configuration to be default for the Tarantula.
Well, there are my questions for this post. I have more questions about a couple of minor anomalies and print issues that I can deal with for now, but I'll wait until I get these major problems out of the way and post my other questions in a new topic later. If you got this far, thanks for reading! Let me know if I left out any crucial information or if I need to elaborate more on anything or what. Any help is much appreciated. Looking forward to perfecting my prints!