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Questions regarding E3D V6 hotend fan and Reprap Discount LCD

Posted by thebigcako 
Questions regarding E3D V6 hotend fan and Reprap Discount LCD
July 18, 2016 10:34AM

I have just built my first Prusa i3 and I have some trouble with the Reprap Discound LCD SMART CONTROLLER. Sometimes, most of them after the bed has been heated and the hotend starts heating the screen is some glitched. As you can see in the image. I have a firmware from the shop I bought the kit that has the same problem but it is about two years old, so I downloaded the Marlin 1.1.0-RC6 from gith and just setup it with the configuration of the firmware the shop gave me, but the LCD problem continues.

Another rare thing is that if the extruder and the bed are disabled and I click the menu button the glitch goes out.

The other question is that I followed this guide:

To make the extruder fan to start at 200ºC temperature, but I don't know if this is safe because I haven't found anything on the net regarding this temp. Also if I activate this fan at 128 the temperature wouldn't go as high as 200ºC and after about 30 secs there is a error on the screen about temperature and the printer locks itself.

Thank you for your time!.
Re: Questions regarding E3D V6 hotend fan and Reprap Discount LCD
July 18, 2016 11:45AM
The fan for the heatsink of the hotend should be on all the time. It should be wired to 12v directly.
Re: Questions regarding E3D V6 hotend fan and Reprap Discount LCD
July 18, 2016 01:52PM
The fan for the heatsink of the hotend should be on all the time. It should be wired to 12v directly.

Thank you about that fact.

Any possible causes of the lcd problem?

EDIT: I have made the changes you commented, but now the temperature doesn't grow more than 110ºC and then an temperature error message appears and locks the printer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/18/2016 02:50PM by thebigcako.
Re: Questions regarding E3D V6 hotend fan and Reprap Discount LCD
July 18, 2016 03:51PM
What else you have connected? I had similar issues with LCD when Raspberry Pi was connected with USB. When I printed straight from RPi, My LCD was full of garbage and communications timed out frequently. Now my printer gets ground from ATX PSU and RPi USB has some 10 euro Chinese USB isolator. Basically it was ground loop.

Also your PSU might be little bit underrated if it can't heat the hot end. Measure the RAMPS input voltage. And make sure heater is connected securely so that there isn't bad connection in terminals. That will melt them.
Re: Questions regarding E3D V6 hotend fan and Reprap Discount LCD
July 18, 2016 04:36PM
What else you have connected? I had similar issues with LCD when Raspberry Pi was connected with USB. When I printed straight from RPi, My LCD was full of garbage and communications timed out frequently. Now my printer gets ground from ATX PSU and RPi USB has some 10 euro Chinese USB isolator. Basically it was ground loop.

Also your PSU might be little bit underrated if it can't heat the hot end. Measure the RAMPS input voltage. And make sure heater is connected securely so that there isn't bad connection in terminals. That will melt them.

Everything is connected well and the power supply is rated 12V 33A maximum, so I don't think the problem is here. Testing with older firmware that worked on another Prusa I3 (this has a budas hotend, but just for testing if it could go far than 110ºC) the error message didn't appeared, but again the temperature of the hotend, didn't go more than 115ºC.

I only have connected the power supply and no USB

The screen starts glitching randomly, but If I remove / insert the SD the problem disappears for some minutes and starts again.

Re: Questions regarding E3D V6 hotend fan and Reprap Discount LCD
July 18, 2016 05:48PM
Not sure if i like the crimp you have on the LCD ribbon cables there. Try re seating the LCD connectors on screen and on board. Give the cables "more space" around.

And maybe disconnect the LCD completely and test with Pronterface and USB cable how it works?
Re: Questions regarding E3D V6 hotend fan and Reprap Discount LCD
July 18, 2016 05:51PM
Not sure if i like the crimp you have on the LCD ribbon cables there. Try re seating the LCD connectors on screen and on board. Give the cables "more space" around.

And maybe disconnect the LCD completely and test with Pronterface and USB cable how it works?

I haven't tested it yet. Can I use Repetier-Host instead of pronterface?

Re: Questions regarding E3D V6 hotend fan and Reprap Discount LCD
July 19, 2016 09:21AM
As long as you see what is happening with the temperatures.

I'm having problems with my LCD because a regulator in Arduino is shot. Had to build a 5V power supply from PSU to USB just to wake/boot Arduino.
Also, i cannot upload a new firmware if my Bluetooth adapter (JY-MCU) is connected to RAMPS. grinning smiley

Cheap Chinese electronics grinning smiley
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