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HicTop Prusa I3 Aurora

Posted by Perryrussell 
HicTop Prusa I3 Aurora
August 19, 2016 11:28PM
New to the forum. So I burnt the x stepper chip on the mks board supplied with kit, no real instructions almost no tec help, no heat sinks supplied or recommended. Ordered genuine Arduino mega 2560 r3 with ramps 1.4, 5x 4988 steppers and rotary lcd kit. got marlin on with selected values but both thermisters read 190 c at room temp. max temp bed error. If I set dummy value 998 then they read 25c. So with 3950 ntc set as 1 in marlin as type returns 190 c, but unplugging them from ramps board show NO CHANGE! still 190 c.? Any help would be great. I do have 2 spare thermisters from vendor and one from different source and all return the same reading. I have some simtec coming from china but couple weeks before I can try them. Shouldn't the lcd show 0 c for temp if they are unplugged?
Re: HicTop Prusa I3 Aurora
August 29, 2016 02:38PM
Shouldn't the lcd show 0 c for temp if they are unplugged?
ERR: mintemp

That should display if thermistors are not connected.
Room temperature, if connected properly.

You might have bad RAMPS. Maybe soldering or something.
4988 will work. just get some heat sinks and 2X40mm fans to cool the whole RAMPS board.
Those two brown poly fuses will trip and kill your print unless they are cooled. 4988 likes to be cooled also, or it will go to a thermal shutdown and you will skip steps.
Just zip tie them to the wires pointing to RAMPS and then print this from toolson.

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