Is there a manual / tutorial showing all serttings on printer screen
October 28, 2016 02:57AM
Hi all

Is there a manual / tutorial showing all serttings on printer screen, i would like to learn what each setting does on my i3 printer screen, i have tried searching but cant find much.
Re: Is there a manual / tutorial showing all serttings on printer screen
October 28, 2016 11:23PM
I'm not finding anything either but post which display you have and if there is something you don't know what it does and maybe we can tell you.

Newbie with Folgertech 2020 i3.
Re: Is there a manual / tutorial showing all serttings on printer screen
October 30, 2016 07:40AM
Hi , I'm on a big learning curve with this also.
Should be the manual in PDF on SD card.
There are mistakes , Z axis motor's and bed heater.
Also 3 parts I used for testing.
Happy FDM ing!
Re: Is there a manual / tutorial showing all serttings on printer screen
November 02, 2016 06:08AM
I have a manual with my printer but it only has basic printing tutorial and not anything about what each setting does. I will try and take a picture. im no rxpert but i would of thought some one would have written a basic guide for on screen controls on a lcd used with marlin.
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