How to get G-code file on SD card?
November 16, 2016 04:04PM
Using Repetier Host, I slice the item and go to the Print Preview tab and click the Save for SD Print box. This allows me to save the file on my laptop. Then when I go to the SD Card tab, the file does not appear on the file list. So I need to somehow move the file from my laptop to the list so I can upload to the SD card. That must be very straight forward but I just don't see how to do this.
If anyone can give me a clue, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Re: How to get G-code file on SD card?
November 16, 2016 04:53PM
Got it. Thanks.
Re: How to get G-code file on SD card?
November 20, 2016 09:30PM
in repetier host you have menus top left one of them is printer and in it is the sd card manager look around at that and also the G code Editor icons one allows you to save the Gcode. I never use the SD card as most of my prints are done once and if I do print again it may be with a different filament and temperature in which case you need to re slice. I keep all stl files and associated cad on USB sticks and print from laptop. Make sure a valid SD card is being used as some have different formats
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