On my Original Prusa i3 MK2, the original PEI bed film lifted up with use of ABS and ABS juice. It then got sliced with a putty knife used to pry the parts off. A replacement film (only available from Prusa by begging Customer Service, cheap enough for the part but not so cheap with shipping, taxes and UPS fees) became a problem. A 2 day wait from Amazon produced a few Buildtak films. Removal of the PEI was torture but I managed over time to get it off and apply the Buildtak. Only after I applied it did I learn that Buildtak is not compatible with Acetone. I removed the Buildtak and want now to use a glass plate to get "super smooth bottoms" that just pop off the plate.
I found some code that got me started on [
www.prusamk2.com] to enable glass placement on the bed. I modified the code to take into account the cooling effect of applying the plate after the bed warmed and mesh bed leveling was performed. The firmware/hardware in the Prusa will not allow the glass plate to be present as bed leveling takes place. The glass plate must be removed at the start of every new print and re-applied after bed leveling is complete, bed temp drops 25C and rises slowly again. But then comes the rub - how/when to set the fine Z adjustment to get the first layer to stick???
I hope someone has been successful and is willing to share the process.