Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 18, 2018 05:03PM
The Tronxy has been retired.
Purchased an Anycubic Mega.
However, it has problems and already returning it.

Thanks for all your efforts.

Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 18, 2018 05:49PM
Whats wrong with the Tronxy P208

Computer Programmer / Electronics Technician
Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 18, 2018 09:40PM
Could not get it connected to any software such as Cura, Repetier, Meshmixer. nor Fusion 360.
Would not accept a SD card.
I'm also not willing to buy any more main boards. This one was the third.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 19, 2018 11:08AM
If you or anyone else is willing to help, I will keep trying.

When 'homing' the Y axis, heat bed, moves about 10mm forward and stops. It will not go toward the rear or return to its home position.
Uploaded 'configuration.h', someone said there was nothing wrong with it; that it should work.

Any help appreciated.


I am returning the Anycubic I3 mega and without a working 3d printer.
Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 19, 2018 03:26PM

We can do this? Although we need a starting point.
What Firmware? Stock or Custom?

Computer Programmer / Electronics Technician
Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 19, 2018 06:17PM
Repetier version 0.92.

The Y end stop cable was defective. Replaced it. Solved the Y problem.

The obvious problem now is connecting to Cura or other like software.

The current com port is 13. See attached.

How is Cura 3.4.1 set to com port 13.

I have not been able to find it. Solving this may be all that is needed.

Re-leveled the bed, Z axis and the bed and extruder heats OK.
open | download - Com Port 13.PNG (2.2 KB)
Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 19, 2018 08:51PM
The Y end stop cable was defective. Replaced it. Solved the Y problem.

The obvious problem now is connecting to Cura or other like software.


I am glad you have to see solved the Y axis Problem. ( I will remember this for future references. )

I do not have my computer connected directly to the 3D Printer. When I did is kept shorting out and rebooting my very expensive computer. ( must be a USB difference of some sort )
I now have OctoPrint installed on Raspberry Pi 2's with streaming video with a Network connection to the 3D Printers currently.
I Then Slice, upload this sliced file to the Pi and print via a Browser IP.

In Cura 15.04.6 Select File Machine Settings Click
In the Machine Settings for your 3D Printer Select your com port. (Auto does not find com port on my machine)

In case com port not listed
In the Device Manager Right click your 3D Printer com port13 Select Properties in drop down box.
Select the Port Settings Tab.
Click Advanced Button
On Advanced Settings windows Select Com Port Number and change to a number between 0-7 then click OK

And try to connect to the Printer again.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2018 09:01PM by Roberts_Clif.

Computer Programmer / Electronics Technician
Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 19, 2018 11:08PM
In Cura 15.04.6 Select File Machine Settings Click Using Cura 3.4.1
In the Machine Settings for your 3D Printer Select your com port. (Auto does not find com port on my machine)
No com port settings in Machine Settings.

In case com port not listed
In the Device Manager Right click your 3D Printer com port13 Select Properties in drop down box.
Select the Port Settings Tab.
Click Advanced Button
On Advanced Settings windows Select Com Port Number and change to a number between 0-7 then click OK
Port settings 1 - 13 are in use.

Would this problem change if 15.04.6 was installed?

And try to connect to the Printer again.
Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 19, 2018 11:51PM
Good News! See attached video.

Using a micro SD card to print.
At least we know it will print.
Noisy, as of now I do not mind.

Haven't check feed rate.
Need to lower nozzle a bit
open | download - WIN_20180719_20_49_18_Pro.mp4 (828.9 KB)
Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 20, 2018 08:52AM
I am seeing you are Printing. GREAT.

Now all you have to do is setup Cura to connect to the Printer.

Like I said I do Not connect Cura directly to my 3D Printers any more. I use a Network connected Raspberry PI Running Octoprint to do the USB Interfacing to my 3D Printers.

Will have to drag my laptop out and connect to the 3D Printer to See how to set Cura 3.4.0 up again. Give me a few.



I setup Cura 3.4.0 on my laptop and it connected automatically to the 3D Printer after Cura 3.4.0 restarted..
an after I set configured Cura for the Printer

Top Menu bar Cura 3.4.0
Menu > Settings > click on "Add Printer" follow the instructions to add a new printer.

I selected Other and Prusa i3

Menu > Settings > click on "Manage Printers..." and Click "Machine Settings "

And setup or verify your printers configurations and Extruder G-code startups like nozzle size and material diameter.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2018 10:28AM by Roberts_Clif.

Computer Programmer / Electronics Technician
Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 20, 2018 03:32PM
Cura will not connect! The com port is listed as 13 everywhere I check.

Using Repetier 0.92. Problem is; no success at setting the feed rate for the filament.
The test resulted in 100/45. Used Prontorface to try to change it. The multiplier rate is at 5 and no change.
The extruder gear seems to be doing OK. No skipping. No tension of the filament. Filament spool moves freely.

Any ideas on solving this.

Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 22, 2018 03:11PM
Can you connect to the printer with Pronterface?

I use Cura as a slicer, pronterface to connect to the printer if I need to do any setup, then print from SD.
Once my printer is setup I don't need to connect to it for anything and just print from SD.
Only one program at a time can connect to the printer port.

My updated Instructable on our Prusa i3 Build
Re: Tronxy P208: Those who helped dlw please read.
July 22, 2018 10:20PM
Slic3r is the slicer. Using Pronterface to print. See attached.
The bed and nozzle heat to 70 and 215.
Using the micro SD, send gcode to SD, nothing happens, the extruder never moves.
Using Pronterface, the Print button never lights up. I also have little experience with Pronterface outside of tutorials on Youtube.
open | download - Pronterface.PNG (98.1 KB)
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