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Bed leveling probe clearance

Posted by markts 
Bed leveling probe clearance
February 13, 2019 02:27PM
I have an issue with my printer that I'm curious if anyone has run across.

I have bed leveling with a servo and switch, and it has been working great. Recently, I printed something taller that I have before. It finished but with scant space before the highest the Z axis can travel.

I powered off the printer, but now I realize I can't home the Z axis when I turn it back on. Usually when I do, the Z axis moves up first (according to Z_CLEARANCE_DEPLOY_PROBE?) in order to deploy the probe. In the current case, I know it doesn't have enough room.

I'm guessing this is/should have been calculated into the total height capable on my printer (Folgertech I3) with the addition of a new hot end and bed leveling "stuff".

1st question - Where would I make the change to prevent this from happening again?

2nd - Is there a way to move the Z axis without homing to get it out of this situation? Or am I forced to manually spin the motors and re-leveling them to give myself enough height?

Re: Bed leveling probe clearance
February 13, 2019 08:12PM
gcode is the answer

on power on the printer thinks that it is at position 0,0,0 no matter where it really is until it homes to update this information.
this can be checked with M114

you can also set position with G92

so it you send the machine a G92 Z100
The printer will now think it is at Z 100 and you can move the Z down up to 100 mm (till it hits 0 again)
Re: Bed leveling probe clearance
February 14, 2019 02:43PM
But I can't move at all without homing first, right? Is there an override for that?
Re: Bed leveling probe clearance
February 14, 2019 08:08PM
no, you can move without homing

after you reset the location you can move up and down, as long as you don't try and go past the new 0 location

You can run a printer without endstops, as long as you remember to tell the printer where it is after power on and don't send any homing commands.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2019 08:10PM by Dust.
Re: Bed leveling probe clearance
February 14, 2019 08:46PM
no, you can move without homing

after you reset the location you can move up and down, as long as you don't try and go past the new 0 location

You can run a printer without endstops, as long as you remember to tell the printer where it is after power on and don't send any homing commands.

Perfect! Thank you!
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