Hello community,
I purchased an Ender 3 Pro some months ago. It printed pretty nicely when I used it the first weeks, but it was loud. I had a MKS Gen L and some Silentstepsticks lying around (TMC2100 from Watterott).
I have done the following mods the the printer over time:
- replaced extruder parts for aluminium ones and added printed filament guide
- put in motor dampeners
- swapped mainboard for MKS Gen L
- put in TMC2100 for XYZ and TMC2209v2 for E
- removed motor dampeners
- added motor cooling aluminum fins with heat-conducting glue
- swapped the fans (casefan and hotendfan for Noctua and partfan for aftermarket more silent type)
- added fan duct to PSU to make it quieter
- swapped bowden tubing for capricorn
- swapped nozzle for stainless (and back)
- cleaned out the hotend (full procedure)
- added Raspi 3 and Octopi as well as webcam
The following problems are currently there and I don't know how to pinpoint them! They all weren't there before the mods!
- unregular extrusion, resulting in different layer widths, but seems to be no layer shift
- extrusion problems, skipping steps, grinding (even though I have run several different types of drivers with close to max current fpr test only)
- height issues, printer not printing the full height, but I cannot see if every layer is not risen completely, or if some Z moves are forgotten
Can anyone help me analyze this? Which information is the most efficient and relevant and which is the best way to test it?