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How do I tell Fisher not so hard?

Posted by Sash 
How do I tell Fisher not so hard?
August 13, 2015 12:57PM
My BuildTak is trashed so back to using masking tape. The BuildTak allows the PLA to stick too well I think making removing the printed item difficult. A side effect of using masking tape is that now I can see clearly how hard the nozzle is being pressed against the build platform by the darker marks.
Even after calibration the nozzle is still pressing the platform to hard and causes it to shift on the support springs messy up the prints. So if this isn't something auto calibration can stop is there any other way I can tell the printer nozzle not to press so hard?

Re: How do I tell Fisher not so hard?
August 13, 2015 02:13PM
Two comments:

1. To remove the print, take the bed+print out and put it in the freezer for ten minutes. I don't have a Fisher, so I don't know whether this is practical or not.

2. [Promoting my own product here] You could use a non-contact Z probe, such as my differential IR probe, instead of relying on the bed switches.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: How do I tell Fisher not so hard?
August 13, 2015 03:14PM
I feel your problems are linked to your homing issues you describe in your other topic. Until you can home the head in the intended way and run the calibration without probe warnings I wouldn't even consider trying to print anything.

Other than that, there's a bunch of information in the Simplify3D topic about calibrating the bed.
Re: How do I tell Fisher not so hard?
August 13, 2015 03:21PM
Mine was doing that until I found the typo in bed.g, RRP have since updated the SD card image so make sure you are using the latest one.
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