New firmware 1.09k-ch October 21, 2015 01:00PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 665 |
Arduino device tree version 1.0.4:
- Merged in latest version from Arduino GitHub repo
- Merged in T3P3's changes for the Duet 0.8.5 (thanks Tony)
Preliminary firmware version 1.09h:
- Merged in latest improvements from dc42's 1.09k firmware (thanks dc42+T3P3)
- Merged in Adrian's M42 implementation
Firmware version 1.09i:
- Tool warning messages are only sent at an interval of 4 seconds
- Updated SD images with proper movement settings
- Bug fix: Speed factor override wasn't working
- Bug fix: Changing the tool during a print caused the firmware to hang
- Bug fix: M408 could cause an endless loop if no S param was specified
- Bug fix: E0 drive wasn't working and Move code was sometimes stuttering
Firmware version 1.09j:
- Merged in Roland support code from RRP's repo (thanks Adrian)
- Dwell enforces all movement to stop
- Improved NetworkTransaction interface
- For continous output writes, one OutputBuffer is left free for single allocation
- Watchdog is set up in the Platform class (and no longer in the RepRap file)
- Webserver writes uploaded data immediately and doesn't store it any more
- Telnet and FTP now allow only one single connection per protocol
- Telnet doesn't ask for a password if none has been configured (for Pronterface support)
- Telnet ignores the first few incoming bytes within the first 4
- Bug fix: Live coordinates with tool offset were not reported to web interface
- Added description for AGND (Duet 0.8.5) to Duet expansion header documentation
Firmware version 1.09k:
- Updated Duet expansion header documentation to incorporate changes for Roland mill
- M36 and rr_fileinfo are now multi-pass to improve the Spin loop timing
- First layer height is now parsed and reported by M36 and rr_fileinfo
- Replaced a few tabs with spaces in the Makefile to fix build issues on Ubuntu
- IP address changes take effect immediately (see M552 - M554)
- Improved layer detection algorithm (should fix most problems with "Lift Z" option)
- Increased OutputBuffer safety in Webserver classes
- Decreased HTTP timeout to 8 seconds
- Minor improvements in the MassStorage class
- Bug fix: Roland interface didn't pick up any moves
- Bug fix: Block reads via FileStore didn't update the file position
- Bug fix: Merged in missing M92 code from dc42's fork for Delta support (thanks dc42)
Re: New firmware 1.09k-ch October 22, 2015 07:13AM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,611 |
Re: New firmware 1.09k-ch October 26, 2015 02:01PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 665 |