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Solidworks STL file compatibility issue(s)?

Posted by markdgoodley 
Solidworks STL file compatibility issue(s)?
December 02, 2012 05:04PM
I notice there are Solidworks users in this group... Help PLEASE... 2010 Solidworks/7.2 Slic3r::: STL's from Solidworks aren't being recognized in Slic3r...??? I've sent out many dozens of STL's to various print shops without ever having an issue... But Slic3r returns numerous issues??? (Please see attachments) I can open/see the SW STL file in SW, Catia, Sketchup, etc... I doubt the problem is in the Solidworks... Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thank You....
open | download - Warning2.JPG (188.3 KB)
open | download - Warning3.JPG (184 KB)
open | download - Warning1.JPG (187.6 KB)
open | download - Warning4.JPG (198 KB)
Re: Solidworks STL file compatibility issue(s)?
December 02, 2012 07:07PM
Have you tried it on the latest version of slicer?
Re: Solidworks STL file compatibility issue(s)?
December 03, 2012 01:08AM
always pass your stl's threw [cloud.netfabb.com]

It fixes 99% of issues with bad STL's and that what you have. Its not an issue with silc3r, which is there to slice. not fix broken STL's
Re: Solidworks STL file compatibility issue(s)?
December 04, 2012 02:50AM
I run all my solidworks created STL's through Netfabb but the standalone program I can't be fagged having to keep uploading them to the internet, But I use Skeinforge 40 the last one before it went to the Sfact version

Experimenting in 3D in New Zealand
Re: Solidworks STL file compatibility issue(s)?
December 05, 2012 01:15AM
I use solidworks 2011 and 2012 with cura and have almost no problems. Do get a few small warnings but so far not a bad print. Do not bother with netfabb. Probably run around 2 designs a day throught the printers (I have two)
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