NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
March 25, 2010 03:47AM
This area is to share and help people in New Zealand with sourcing parts and filament for building and operating Repraps and Repstraps.

Due to the different models / construction methods / experimental design work / budgets, a number of different types of suppliers are being listed. People can add suppliers that they have used or believe have parts that may assist people;
People can also add comments about current listed suppliers.

The listed suppliers are not based on lowest price. Check availability and price with supplier before purchase as any information that has been given may have changed.

If adding please list- Company, Country location, Web site and Parts stocked and any other information that may be of help

Note: This data is also listed and updated at: []
New Zealand Filament Suppliers:

Diamond Age Solutions NZ [] - (Vik Oliver) - Sells plastic filaments for RepRap, RapMan, Makerbot and similar 3D printers - PLA - Different colours, different sizes and quanities, Also ABS. Sells world wide..

New Zealand 3D printer Suppliers:

Bay CAD Services Ltd Napier NZ [] - Rapman 3.1 3D Printer Kits , BFB-300 3D Printers..
New Zealand RepRap Part Suppliers:

Acronum Industries NZ (Liam Beale) [] - - Sells electronic components and RepRap plastics. Sells worldwide, ask for shipping prices.

Trade Me NZ [] - Use search "Reprap" - Number of people making/selling RepRap plastics parts and other bits.

Diamond Age Solutions NZ [] - (Vik Oliver) - Supplying (made on request) M6 brass heater barrels, nozzles, PTFE insulators etc. and will do hot end kits complete with thermistor (PTFE insulator, M6 brass barrel, 4 ohm element in fire cement, 100K thermistor and nozzle to suit).
Supplies model helicopter drive belts with free gears.

New Zealand Component Part Suppliers:

Jaycar NZ [] - Heater driver transistors TIP122, Thermocouple , Un-insulated nichrome wire WW4040, Electrical components, misc, screws, plug connectors, Shaft Coupler 1/4” CAT. NO. YG2790, etc. (Check catalogue, if not locally in stock, local store will often order at no freight, about a week delivery time frame).

Element14 NZ (formally listed as Farnell) [] - Major NZ source of electrical components, Thermocouple Amplifier IC AD595AG, Fischer Elektronix WLK5 adhesive thermal conductive - good for glueing power resistors for heated bed rated up to 150 C.

RS NZ [] - Electrical components, timing belts.

PMB NZ [] - Electrical components.

Surplustronics NZ [] - Electrical components, also stocks Nichrome wire but is un-insulated.

South Island Component Centre Limited NZ [] - Electrical components, also stocks Nichrome wire but is un-insulated.

Mindkits NZ [] - Arduino Specialists, Robotics parts - kits -sensors, Polyimide tape (Kapton).

Robokits NZ [] - A4988 & Stepper Motor Drivers, robot kits, Microcontrollers, Sensors, and more things.

Wattsup NZ [] - Kapton tape - 10m length 25mm width. Approx $19.00 + freight +gst, Model Helicopter parts.

Robotronic NZ [] - Online shop for electronics and robotics.

Nicegear NZ [] - Online shop for electronics and robotics.

Active Components NZ [] - Electrical components.

Dick Smith NZ [] - mics parts, Electrical components (very limited).

Advanced circuits NZ [] - PCB circuit manufacture.

Dotmar Universal Plastics NZ [] - PTFE, Acrylic, Polycarbonate, other types of plastics

NZ Miniature Bearings NZ [] - Miniature bearings.

Wilson Brothers NZ South Island [] - 608 bearings, Timing belt: t5-840-5 Prusa Mendel, t5-1380-5 for Mendels

Itrans NZ - Auckland , Christchurch [] - Timing belts, pulleys

ITranzs NZ [] - Timing belts, pulleys

Local skate shop NZ - 608 bearings.

Total Trade Supplies NZ [] - Steel rods silver steel (both metric and imperial). 0.5 mm, 0.4mm, 0.3mm drill bits - Actetal material - various round diameter core sizes 300mm long (good for machining parts but expensive and wasteful as they come in cylinder shape) - Misc bolts etc.

Micro Metals NZ [] - Misc steel and stainless rods, (usually imperial sizes).

Anzor NZ [] - misc screws - bolts.

EDL Fasteners NZ [] - misc screws - bolts

Bunnings NZ [] - misc bolts, nuts, screws, Blue Scotch painters tape for printing on , tools.

Craftrunner NZ [] - 4.5mm ball-chain

Wilson Bros Ltd Christchurch NZ - Timing belt: t5-840-5 ($15.39 ex GST for Prusa Mendel) , t5-1380-5 ($23.95 ex GST for both Mendels)

Fire places & WoodBurners sellers - Source of fireproof cement

Mitre 10 - Selleys Fireproof Cement

Sheet Metal, Engineering companies and Aluminum boat builders - Source of aluminum sheet metal for heated beds
New Zealand Software Suppliers:

Bay CAD Services Ltd Napier, NZ [] - Alibre 3D CAD Software Note: Personal edition doen't allow import of STL files, but will allow objects to be export as STL files - still need to use a program like Blender to modify the exported STL to enable Reprap host software to print objects.
Australia Parts Suppliers:

Small Parts & Bearings Australia [] -- Pulleys, belts, bearing, gears (Note-A$50 set freight charge per order).

Toysdownunder Australia [] - Nicrome wire, Bearings, Electrical components, other parts for Repraps

AUSXMOD Australia [] - Stepper-motors recommended by Reprap group Australia.

Ocean Controls Australia [] - Stepper motor drivers [KTA-261 1 axis bipolar, KTA-263 3 axis motor driver]. Stepper motors and more.

Homann Designs. Australia [] - Gecko stepper motor drivers, stepper motors ].

Also check out the Reprap Australian suppliers: ( [] )
World Parts Suppliers:

Reprap parts Lister World [] - Reprap parts

Mixshop Canada, Toronoto [] - Reprap parts

The Big Bearing Store USA, Memphis [] - Bearings.

VXB bearings USA, California [] - Bearings.

Digikey USA [] - Electrical components.

Makerbot USA, NY [] - PTFE barrel, - Nicrome wire- Thermocouple PCB .

Makergear USA [] - Parts for Repraps.

Botmill Florida USA [] - Parts for Repraps.

Reprap stores USA [] - Repraps Parts.

Ultimachine South Pittsburg, USA [] - Repraps Parts.

Techzonecom USA [] - Repraps Parts.

Bits from Bytes UK [] - Repraps Parts.

Mendel Parts.Com UK [] - Repraps Parts.

Reprap Source Germany [] - Repraps Parts.

iPrint3D Belgium [] - Repraps Parts.
Additional charges may apply when importing parts into New Zealand:

The current rule appears to be that New Zealand customs will not collect if the the total duty to be paid is less than $60NZD.

Charges are usually:
15% GST
$25.30 Import Handling fee (May be charged).
$12.77 MAF clearence fee

It also depends on what the shipper has declare items are worth.
GST is calculated on the total of Item Value, Shipping and Insurance and the Duty

Edited 66 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2011 11:45PM by RepRot.
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
March 25, 2010 05:40AM
smiling smiley

-Sebastien, library gnome.

Remember, you're all RepRap developers (once you've joined the super-secret developer mailing list), and the wiki,, [] is for everyone and everything! grinning smiley
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
April 02, 2010 05:54PM
I work for a photocopier company (in NZ) and have access to dozens of used stepper motors. If you think this may help with your project send me an email with the specifcations of what motor you require and I will see if I can find it.
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
August 30, 2010 10:58PM
hi jason,
thanks for the listing, looks pretty full. i want to make a reprap as i am finding a hard time making things for my robots since i moved here from the states.

where do i get started?

Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
September 10, 2010 01:00AM

To make a reprap you need parts, you also don’t what to spend a fortune getting them. Time to make, obtain parts and assembly time can be another issue. A lot depends on what you want to get out of building a reprap.

There are a number of options starting with buying a complete reprap kit of parts from a number of overseas suppliers. The cost of freight due to the weight of a reprap will be an issue.

The next option is to purchase as much of the heavier parts locally, eg. Threaded rod, nuts, washers bolts. Also purchase other parts that are available in NZ. Vik is one local source of printed parts (as per the forum). Using parts from old computer equiptment can also reduce costs. You then can purchase the other bits not available in New Zealand from overseas. You need to be careful that you don’t end up paying for a lot of freight with multiple orders or using too many suppliers.
Depending on what machining equipment you have, you can make a lot of the the parts and reduce costs as well. If you have the machining equiptment you can also play around with changing the design.
If budget is an issue you need to do some homework and estimate all up costs before purchasing parts.

Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
September 10, 2010 02:47AM
The local implement workshop down the road from me (Place normally fixes farm equipment (or builds it)), also sold 90% of the metal parts required. Other suppliers are EDL which has offices around the country.

Re: Loose mechanical bits n bobs
January 12, 2011 03:26AM
Hi all,

I have been looking for an affordable option to join the Z-Axis rods of my platform. They have been turned down to 8mm diameter.
The issue however is that my platform that the rods drive up and down is quite large. The rods are about 730mm apart. One is already driven, but now I need to drive the other 3 rods.
Belts are expensive and I am having a hard time finding the sprockets to fit the 8mm diameter here in NZ. Next option would be the ball and chain and have someone 3D print the sprockets for me..

Any suggestions?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2011 03:33AM by edictor.
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 14, 2011 12:31AM
Have you considered using bicycle chain?

Having a printable chain and sprockets is on my list of things todo when my printer is up and running.

Belts aren't too expensive, i'm buying mine through RS.
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 16, 2011 03:54PM
I just picked up some belts from Wilson Bros Ltd (in Christchurch)

t5-840-5 Timing belt $15.39 (excluding GST) (for Prusa Mendel)
t5-1380-5 timing belt $23.95 (excluding GST) (for both Mendels)

This seemed reasonable to me.
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 16, 2011 04:31PM
Yep, I have considered them and the sprockets seem to be affordable as well. Around $7 each or so..
So might try that. Just concerned about the accuracy of them with using smaller diameter sprockets.

That does sound very affordable indeed.
I'd need about a 3m length though which is not something that they'd stock generally.
Did you buy your sprockets there as well and if so, how much were they if I might ask?
At the RS website they come in at around $25 each?
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 16, 2011 05:35PM
Wilson Bros Ltd didn't stock these belts either, but got them in the next business day.

I haven't asked about sprockets
Pololu Stepper drivers found in NZ
January 23, 2011 05:07AM
I was after a A4983 to use with my wades extruder and I found that robokits is New Zealands distributor for Pololu products

I e-mailed them and they have added the following available now.


NB I cant find mention of it on the site, but the price seems to be shipping included.
[Edit] its on the front page.. "Prices include GST and shipping to most places within New Zealand"

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2011 01:07AM by Dust.
Re: Pololu Stepper drivers found in NZ
January 23, 2011 06:24AM
Dust Wrote:
> I was after a A4983 to use with my wades extruder
> and I found that robokits is New Zealands
> distributor for Pololu products
> I e-mailed them and they have added the following
> available now.
> []
> er-carrier-voltage-regulators
> NB I cant find mention of it on the site, but the
> price seems to be shipping included.

That seems like a pretty good price then. Do they have the version without the voltage regulators (like the RAMPS board uses)? I'm guessing that would be about $20.

Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 24, 2011 05:12PM
Talked with Wilson Bros Ltd today about sprockets, They can get things for T5 5mm, but not the 8 tooth as default for Mendel.
Smallest they can get is 10 tooth.
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 25, 2011 05:31PM
Anyone know of a reliable source of fender/mudguard/penny washers other than steelmasters?

Anzor no longer stock them.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/30/2011 02:43PM by Grogyan.
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 26, 2011 03:24PM
I'm using a 10 tooth gear on my mendel Y axis and it's working fine, just had to adjust my machines.xml (I use replicatorg). I have sprockets to put on my other axes at some stage, but it was the printed gear on my Y that was giving me a wave though my prints.

Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 26, 2011 03:55PM
>Anyone know of a reliable source of fender/mudguard/penny washers other than steelmasters?

I picked some up from EDL the other day []
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 26, 2011 05:53PM
Dust Wrote:
> Talked with Wilson Bros Ltd today about sprockets,
> They can get things for T5 5mm, but not the 8
> tooth as default for Mendel.
> Smallest they can get is 10 tooth.

How much were those sprockets if I might ask?
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 30, 2011 02:22PM
What size fender washers are you after?

Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 30, 2011 02:44PM
I'm after M4 or 5/32 x 3/4, I might be getting some from Vik in a couple of weeks.
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
January 30, 2011 03:37PM
Hylton Parker Fasteners do a 3/16 x 3/4, part number is 316X34ZPEW
Heated bed's ?
February 13, 2011 07:12PM
Anyone local built a heated bed?

Im looking for suppliers of Aluminum sheet, in small sizes in New Zealand ie 3 x 225 x 225mm
Re: Heated bed's ?
February 14, 2011 12:27AM
I build one, refer to NZ forum post - Rotorua RepRap

I glued 16 15 ohm 10watt resistors with thermal adhesive to an Aluminum sheet 200mm x200mm 4 mm.
I used a 150 watt interior lighting transformer (240 volt ac to 12 volt ac) and switched this with a 20amp solid state relay.

Parts obtained from Element14:
15 ohm 10watt resistors at $10.59 each (Total $169.44 for 16 ). PN# 1545521
Thermal adhesive $42.08. PN# 1211723
The thermal adhesive is a 2 part epoxy mix. You get enough to glue the resistors and a sensor with very little left. Its rated at Max operating temperature of 149 degree C

Parts obtained from Jaycar
150 watt interior lighting transformer (240 volt ac to 12 volt ac) $59.90 PN# N16803

I had a spare solid state relay, you could use something cheaper to switch power or buy a Jaycar solid state relay. 40amp $49.90 PN# SY-4084

Best to try Aluminum engineering companies or boat builders. They should be able to cut to size.
From memory mine cost about $8.00

Check this heated bed at Makerbot @ US$20

Cheers Bruce

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2011 02:03AM by RepRot.
Found Nichrome wire
February 15, 2011 02:32AM
Found Nichrome wire in NZ today, []

Also found a Christchurch company that is willing to supply hobbyist amounts of Aluminum sheet. Got a bit of 150x150x5mm for $12, cut to size (a small heat platform for my repstrap). From Coombes Sheet Metal, 309 Blenheim Road, Christchurch

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2011 03:19PM by Dust.
Re: Found Nichrome wire
February 15, 2011 01:59PM
I take it that the Nichrome wire from Surplustronics is un-insulated.
Re: Found Nichrome wire
February 15, 2011 03:13PM
Yes its uninsulated, so Its ok for heat beds but a bit trickery for heat cores.
Re: Found Nichrome wire
March 27, 2011 06:19AM
Dust Wrote:
> Found Nichrome wire in NZ today,
> []
> 40.html

Jaycar also sell the same stuff.

Pity it's not insulated either although after the trouble I've had so far with the fibreglass sheath burning off I'm just going to bite the bullet and paint my brass barrel with Selleys Fireproof Cement.
Re: Found Nichrome wire
March 28, 2011 04:36AM
Interested to know what temperature you are running at and how long before it burns off the fibreglass insulation?
Are you using ABS of PLA?

Sellers of fire places & WoodBurners are a good source to get fireproof cement. They often sell small quanities (tubes) of the stuff.
Re: Found Nichrome wire
March 28, 2011 05:24AM
RepRot Wrote:
> Interested to know what temperature you are
> running at and how long before it burns off the
> fibreglass insulation?
> Are you using ABS of PLA?

So far I've only printed in ABS and try it run it around 220C (although I believe the default Skeinforge settings in ReplicatorG set it to 225C). Both of my MK4 hot-ends were second-hand with the nichrome already wrapped around the barrel and then covered in Kapton. Both of them experienced PTFE deformation followed by ABS leakage. For the first one I ran it around 235C when the ABS was leaking to maintain a consistent extrusion without stripping the filament.

I can't find any insulated nichrome in NZ so I'm going to try fireproof cement instead. It's only going to be temporary until I build a resistor-based hot-end.

> Sellers of fire places & WoodBurners are a good
> source to get fireproof cement. They often sell
> small quanities (tubes) of the stuff.

I bought a small 850g tub of Selleys Fireproof Cement from Mitre 10 for $24. It's way more than I need but was easier than shopping around. smiling smiley
Re: NZ Reprap Parts Sourcing guide
August 18, 2011 02:34PM
I have been approached about making some full Prusa kits so I am looking into getting prices for this, however at this stage I don't have sources for all of the parts in particular the nozzles and smooth rod. I will post back when I can give a full price

Experimenting in 3D in New Zealand
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