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NZ Bearing Suppliers

Posted by xsainnz 
NZ Bearing Suppliers
October 11, 2010 04:35AM
Does anyone have a good source for the smaller bearings (626 etc)

I am yet to contact SKF but they seem to be at the high end and shipping from Small Parts Oz is a killer
Re: NZ Bearing Suppliers
October 13, 2010 11:37PM
The local "blacksmiths" to me sell the various smaller bearings, I can see how much they are charging at the moment at get back to you if you want.

Re: NZ Bearing Suppliers
October 14, 2010 12:01AM
Tried calling Saeco bearings, or Auckland Bearings?

Someone else you could ask, and i'll ask tonight when I meet up with him, is Tim from MindKits.

Else I see that VXB in the USA are very cheap, even if you take into account shipping.

Normally these (called micro bearings in the industry) are very expensive, and for the quantity in a RepRap that is a lot of money.
Re: NZ Bearing Suppliers
October 14, 2010 07:51AM
I'm in Hamilton so I've only contacted the local suppliers so far

All but one were more expensive that paying the $66 freight from Small Parts in Oz!

Just had a look at vxb.com, the prices and rates certainly are better

I will probably place an order with them early next week, so if anyone is interested in sharing shipping costs send me a pm or post in this thread
Re: NZ Bearing Suppliers
October 18, 2010 05:34AM
The cheapest source of miniature bearings in NZ that I have found so far is NZ Miniature Bearings

BUT at the moment it is still cheaper to get a full mendel set from Mendel-Parts in the Netherlands!
Re: NZ Bearing Suppliers
October 19, 2010 03:12AM
NZ miniature bearings for RepRap + Wade extruder

VXB same basic kit
US$40 + 13.15 shipping = US$53.15

Current currency exchange rate 0.7531
Total = NZ$70.5736 including shipping

Me thinks it is still cheaper to buy the bearings offshore
Re: NZ Bearing Suppliers
January 14, 2011 04:50PM
I know one of the cheapest places to get bearings for RC cars is: [abec35.com]

Not sure how much they would be, but shipping was cheap, could be worth a comparison.
(I'm building a Prusa so I only need skate bearings, I think)

Skate bearing I got from [www.skategear.co.nz] 8 of them for $17.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/2011 04:53PM by korban.
Re: NZ Bearing Suppliers
January 15, 2011 12:52AM
Guys, remember to put links like these on the NZ RUG page on the wiki.

FWIW: You may find some useful Aus based supplier links on the Melbourne Australia RUG page.
Re: NZ Bearing Suppliers
September 21, 2011 03:39AM
I just bought a heap of linear bearings for the Prusa alternative from VXB, enough to build 2 Prusa's or is that Prusi and the only way I could have got them cheaper was from Alibaba

Experimenting in 3D in New Zealand
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