Re: Wellington reprap meeting
February 10, 2013 01:52AM
That's probably a lot easier to organise for the first one and then we can work out a time and place for printers.
Re: Wellington reprap meeting
February 12, 2013 12:42AM
I'm keen on a Wellington or Hutt meet.
Just don't make it Wednesday. Everything seems to happen on a Wednesday.
Re: Wellington reprap meeting
February 12, 2013 08:38AM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2013 08:41AM by michel pet.
Re: Wellington reprap meeting
February 12, 2013 08:26PM
Wellington's a dump?
Re: Wellington reprap meeting
February 16, 2013 04:19AM
Hi there, new guy here. Have been interested in ripraps for ages - would love to meet some like minded fellows and there robo friends.

im based in the hutt


ps was dump meant to be bump?

Re: Wellington reprap meeting
February 27, 2013 10:45PM
There is an event on at Te Papa on 27th of April. I think it is called Makerfaire.
Re: Wellington reprap meeting
February 28, 2013 03:48AM


Ill be there. (all the way from Chch)
Re: Wellington reprap meeting
February 28, 2013 03:59AM
Might go there myself Dust - I can crash at my daughters pad for a few days smileys with beer
Re: Wellington reprap meeting
March 08, 2013 10:19PM
I will also be there doing some volunteer work and will have some Openbeam machines there. All depends on time... tongue sticking out smiley

So when are we having a Wellington meeting?

We can always meet at - Blog - [] - Shop - []
Re: Wellington reprap meeting
April 06, 2013 06:15AM
We should definitely meet up on the night of Maketorium (April 27th) as some of us will be volunteering there. Is anyone keen for a pub meetup before then?
Re: Wellington reprap meeting
April 09, 2013 06:01AM
I'd be keen on that. I'm getting there Friday afternoon. Staying at the Cambridge hotel.
Mike Paauwe

Makershop - Reprap parts, adding new stock almost daily.
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