I'm just testing my BLTouch probe and it works really nice. The only issue I have is when I'm manually controlling X and Y axis it happens that the carriage crashes to min side. It depends on my fault but before installing BLTouch I could setup #define min_software_endstops true // If true, axis won't move to coordinates less than HOME_POS and it didn't happen. For exact installation and a working probe I have to setup #define min_software_endstops false and now it can happen to go less than 0 on X and Y. It would be nice to get an additional switch for that when habĀ“ving the BLTouch. Did anyone here also work on this issue?
Thanks Klaus
this is my suggestion:
#define min_software_endstop_Z true / false
#define min_software_endstop_X true / false
#define min_software_endstop_Y true / false
#define max_software_endstop_Z true / false
#define max_software_endstop_X true / false
#define max_software_endstop_Y true / false
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2017 08:06AM by kkberg.