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Manual mesh levelling with an offset dial gauge

Posted by stagbeetle 
Manual mesh levelling with an offset dial gauge
January 19, 2018 07:40AM

I'm new to mesh levelling and I'm not yet aware of the automated methods so before I go further down into the code, can I ask whether my wish is already in the code?

I have set up 3x3 grid for manual mesh levelling.

However my dial gauge is offset 40mm from the nozzle - which I imagine is little different from automated methods.

I would like to set the first point of the mesh grid with paper, then move the dial gauge to the same point and record the Z distance, and then subsequent mesh points would position the gauge instead of the nozzle but, of course, record the X/Y of the mesh point rather than the nozzle position.

Is this already in the code?

Re: Manual mesh levelling with an offset dial gauge
January 19, 2018 11:13AM
Yes. But you are probably better off just bringing up UBL.

  • It will automatically probe the reachable areas of the mesh
  • You can do a G29 P3 to fill in the unprobed mesh points with reasonable values
  • You can print a G26 Mesh Validation Pattern
  • You can then do a G29 P4 R to edit any mesh point that isn't perfect

You can use the 'Cheat Sheet' of commands at the front of this page to bring it up: [github.com]
Re: Manual mesh levelling with an offset dial gauge
January 19, 2018 01:02PM
Thanks... it does look like it should be there with the X/Y offsets but I'm not sure it is. The automated probing will leave the mesh unpopulated and the manual probing seems to have the same constraint - the nozzle over the mesh point.

It is worth looking at the code to see if I can divert the automated probing with offsets to use the manual/LCD-rotary probing though... kind of fits the term or aim of 'unified'.

Alternatively the original idea of positioning the nozzle to the mesh point with offset might be the simplest...
Re: Manual mesh levelling with an offset dial gauge
January 19, 2018 06:23PM
In the UBL system, X & Y can be used to specify the starting location of an operation. That can be automatic probing, manual probing, invalidation of mesh points or editing. What ever the specified X & Y location is, the nozzle is moved to the closest mesh point to that location (not necessarily that location).

With a G26 Mesh Validation Pattern printed on the bed... It is easy to edit any given point because the nozzle will move around and show you which mesh point you are editing...
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