Re: Unified Bed Leveling - Bug in Marlin 1.1.8?
August 03, 2018 01:01AM
Folgertech i3-2020 is a reference platform for Marlin. I don't know about the FT-5.

That stuff is set in Configuration.h. Look for BED_SIZE_X and BED_SIZE_Y
The UBL mesh will cover the bed. What ever you say the bed size is... The mesh will cover it. It is movement off the mesh that is the problem.
Re: Unified Bed Leveling - Bug in Marlin 1.1.8?
August 03, 2018 05:19PM
What MARLIN version should I be using? URL please?

I have BED_SIZE set to 290 X and Y

How do I tell the critter that the probe is 54mm offset in Y??

!! FT-5 home (0,0) back right corner --- looking at machine

=====My Marlin congi.h excerpt ======

// The size of the print bed
#define X_BED_SIZE 290
#define Y_BED_SIZE 290

// Set the boundaries for probing (where the probe can reach).
#define LEFT_PROBE_BED_POSITION 241 // 50
#define RIGHT_PROBE_BED_POSITION 54 // 250
#define BACK_PROBE_BED_POSITION 265 // 250

* // FT-5 GRID
*.....+-----BACK ------ O
*.... |..........................|
*..L |........(-) P............| R <-- probe (10,10)
*..E |..........................| I
*..F |.......(+) N (-).......| G <-- nozzle (20,20)
*..T |...........................| H
*.....|.........(+).............| T
*....+------ FRONT-----+
#define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 54 // X offset: -left +right [of the nozzle]
#define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 0 // Y offset: -front +behind [the nozzle]
#define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER 0 // Z offset: -below +above [the nozzle]


Folgertech i3-2020 is a reference platform for Marlin. I don't know about the FT-5.

That stuff is set in Configuration.h. Look for BED_SIZE_X and BED_SIZE_Y
The UBL mesh will cover the bed. What ever you say the bed size is... The mesh will cover it. It is movement off the mesh that is the problem.
Re: Unified Bed Leveling - Bug in Marlin 1.1.8?
August 03, 2018 08:36PM
Setting X_BED_SIZE and Y_BED_SIZE will set the size of the mesh.
Setting GRID_MAX_POINTS_X and GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y will set the number of mesh points in each direction.
Re: Unified Bed Leveling - Bug in Marlin 1.1.8?
August 04, 2018 05:03PM
I think I got it to work
Got to really consider origin (back right)
and do everything from that point of view on FT-5

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