Hi kabelfrikkler,
I have attached a photo from rambo board.
I have my extruder's heater block connected to "heat 0".
The extruder's fan is connected to "fan 0" and this is pin 8.
The part cooling fans are connected to "fan 2" and this is pin 2, as per pins RAMBO in marlin
The problem is that when I try to upload:
#define E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN 8, it gives me the following:
SanityCheck.h:977: error: #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to FAN_PIN."
#error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to FAN_PIN."
So it must be a bug somewhere.
For the part cooling fan, I have tried:
#define FANMUX0_PIN 2, but when I give the M106 the extruder's fan is starting. this is wrong.