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Cheap Chinese TB6600 with Marlin

Posted by Lorcan 
Cheap Chinese TB6600 with Marlin
June 23, 2018 06:34AM
Hey Reprap community,

So, I've bought these cheap chinese TB6600.
They have a Toshiba Stepper driver chip S109AFTG.
It's actually a pretty good chip. Not fully implemented in the design, but it will do.
There are options for Motor Ach current sense and Motor Ach output that are not used.
However, there is 1 major issue with this.
For turning the stepper motor clockwise or counter clockwise,
there are 2 Dir ports. Dir- and Dir+
The sequence to make it run clockwise is Dir- = Low and Dir+ = High.
for the counter clockwise, this is Dir- = High and Dir+ = Low.

So the 1 DIR pin on a RAMPS is not enough to use it.
We don't need the reset or sleep pin from the RAMPS board.
But Marlin is not configured for this. And I'm not sure where to place the piece of source code for this.
Any care to help me out here ???

edit: i have added 3 pictures. Unlike the TB6600 stepper driver on
it's a different one
kind regards,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/23/2018 12:52PM by Lorcan.
open | download - RIMG0067.JPG (581.1 KB)
open | download - RIMG0066.JPG (711.4 KB)
open | download - RIMG0069.JPG (520.9 KB)
Re: Cheap Chinese TB6600 with Marlin
June 23, 2018 10:19AM
Lots of people using this type of board and just gnding all the -ve rails and connecting the +ve to ramps pins.

Only change is you have to invert the enable line in firmware.. (some boards do need to slow down signaling rate... )

Have you actually tried it?
Re: Cheap Chinese TB6600 with Marlin
June 23, 2018 10:46AM
Yeah, actually tried most of the tutorials i found online.
This board i have seems a bit different.
I only need to ground enable- and pulse-.
they others are controlled by a signal.
Like said in the first message.
Since this is configured for 20Khz, the signal must be 50microseconds.
I've read in the chip's datasheet that a max of 70Khz chopping frequency is possible for this chip.
But this needs to be configured by a resistor and a capacitor.
Inverting is not needed, cos the direction is controlled with 2 pins. Dir- and Dir+.
The sequence to make it run clockwise is Dir- = Low and Dir+ = High.
for the counter clockwise, this is Dir- = High and Dir+ = Low.
Re: Cheap Chinese TB6600 with Marlin
June 23, 2018 11:30AM
I would use an inverter circuit

in discrete parts [www.play-hookey.com]

or use a logic chip..

then you can just send the signal and its inverted signal .

But I suspect there is something else going on...
Looking at the image in another post It looks like it goes threw an 6 pin opto couple that has two pins without solder

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/23/2018 11:41AM by Dust.
Re: Cheap Chinese TB6600 with Marlin
June 23, 2018 11:57AM
The 20khz is the chopping frequency of the chip and has nothing to do with the step or direction signals so nothing has to be changed for it.
If you tie dir- to ground and dir+ to direction pin then you have dir - ground, dir+ +5 for one direction and dir- ground and dir+ ground also for the other direction. That would be the normal way these drives operate.
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