Hey guys, I'm having trouble with my first print/part. I'm not sure what this issue is, but I believe it to be either tinkercad, or how I'm slicing in cura.
I have a test object, and a bedleveling gcode. They seem to print very consistently, with a decent first layer. Other parts, downloaded from thingiverse, for example, when sliced, have a nice first layer.
When I slice my object, created in tinkercad, the first layer is quite squashed. I changed the first layer from .3 to .1, which I don't do with downloaded parts(it wont allow 0.0) and the first layer is better, but still squashed, and not as good as my "test" parts.
I'm running on a sintron prusa clone(the acrylic one). I made some very solid endstops, and I'm confident all endstops are not moving.
The one think I have not tried is setting an offset in the FW as describere here
http://marlinfw.org/docs/gcode/M206.html because I have parts printing nicely, and I think this will have a broader affect than I want. Possibly fixing my part, but affecting others in a bad way.
Anyone have any experience with these tools and have a similar experience, or suggestion?