Help with TMC2208 1.1.x Bugifx and Pins July 07, 2019 01:41PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 55 |
#define X_SERIAL_TX_PIN 2 // was 40 Used by FAN_PIN #define X_SERIAL_RX_PIN 63 #define Y_SERIAL_TX_PIN 15 // was 59, now 15 (Y_MAX_PIN) #define Y_SERIAL_RX_PIN 59 // 64 Used by E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN #define Z_SERIAL_TX_PIN 20 // 42 Used by E0 CS Pin, not interrupt #define Z_SERIAL_RX_PIN 42 // 65 Used by E1_AUTO_FAN_PIN #define E0_SERIAL_TX_PIN 21 // 44 Used by E1_CS_PIN #define E0_SERIAL_RX_PIN 44 // 66 Used by FANMUX1_PIN #define E1_SERIAL_TX_PIN 50 // 58 not interrupt #define E1_SERIAL_RX_PIN 58
Send: M43 Recv: PIN: 0 Port: E0 RXD protected Recv: PIN: 1 Port: E1 TXD protected Recv: PIN: 2 Port: E4 Input = 0 TIMER3B PWM: 0 WGM: 0 COM3B: 0 CS: 2 TCCR3A: 0 TCCR3B: 2 TIMSK3: 2 non-standard PWM mode Recv: PIN: 3 Port: E5 X_MIN_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 4 Port: G5 E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN protected Recv: . FIL_RUNOUT_PIN protected Recv: . SERVO3_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 5 Port: E3 FAN1_PIN protected Recv: . SERVO2_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 6 Port: H3 FAN_PIN protected Recv: . SERVO1_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 7 Port: H4 Input = 0 TIMER4B PWM: 0 WGM: 1 COM4B: 0 CS: 3 TCCR4A: 1 TCCR4B: 3 TIMSK4: 0 Recv: PIN: 8 Port: H5 HEATER_BED_PIN protected Recv: . RAMPS_D8_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 9 Port: H6 HEATER_1_PIN ected Recv: . RAMPS_D9_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 10 Port: B4 HEATER_0_PIN protected Recv: . RAMPS_D10_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 11 Port: B5 SERVO0_PIN Output = 1 TIMER1A PWM: 2000 WGM: 4 COM1A: 0 CS: 2 TCCR1A: 0 TCCR1B: 10 TIMSK1: 2 non-standard PWM mode compare interrupt enabled Recv: PIN: 12 Port: B6 PS_ON_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 13 Port: B7 LED_PIN Input = 0 TIMER0A PWM: 0 WGM: 3 COM0A: 0 CS: 3 TCCR0A: 3 TCCR0B: 3 TIMSK0: 5 overflow interrupt enabled Recv: . TIMER1C is also tied to this pin TIMER1C PWM: 0 WGM: 4 COM1C: 0 CS: 2 TCCR1A: 0 TCCR1B: 10 TIM non-standard PWM mode Recv: PIN: 14 Port: J1 Y_MIN_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 15 Port: J0 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 16 Port: H1 LCD_PINS_RS Output = 0 Recv: PIN: 17 Port: H0 LCD_PINS_ENABLE Output = 0 Recv: PIN: 18 Port: D3 Z_MIN_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 19 Port: D2 Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 20 Port: D1 Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 21 Port: D0 Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 22 Port: A0 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 23 Port: A1 LCD_PINS_D4 Output = 1 Recv: PIN: 24 Port: A2 E0_ENABLE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 25 Port: A3 LCD_PINS_D5 Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 26 Port: A4 E0_STEP_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 27 Port: A5 LCD_PINS_D6 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 28 Port: A6 E0_DIR_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 29 Port: A7 LCD_PINS_D7 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 30 Port: C7 E1_ENABLE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 31 Port: C6 BTN_EN1 Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 32 Port: C5 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 33 Port: C4 BTN_EN2 Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 34 Port: C3 E1_DIR_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 35 Port: C2 BTN_ENC Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 36 Port: C1 E1_STEP_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 37 Port: C0 BEEPER_PIN Output = 0 Recv: PIN: 38 Port: D7 X_ENABLE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 39 Port: G2 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 40 Port: G1 E_MUX0_PIN protected Recv: . Z_CS_PIN protected Recv: . X_SERIAL_TX_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 41 Port: G0 KILL_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 42 Port: L7 E_MUX1_PIN protected Recv: . E0_CS_PIN protected Recv: . Z_SERIAL_TX_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 43 Port: L6 E1_AUTO_FAN_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 44 Port: L5 E_MUX2_PIN protected Recv: . E1_CS_PIN protected Recv: . E0_SERIAL_TX_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 45 Port: L4 Input = 0 TIMER5B M: 0 WGM: 1 COM5B: 0 CS: 3 TCCR5A: 1 TCCR5B: 3 TIMSK5: 0 Recv: PIN: 46 Port: L3 Z_STEP_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 47 Port: L2 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 48 Port: L1 Z_DIR_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 49 Port: L0 SD_DETECT_PIN protected Recv: . Y_CS_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 50 Port: B3 AVR_MISOPIN Input = 0 Recv: . MISO_PIN Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 51 Port: B2 AVR_MOSI_PIN Output = 1 Recv: . MOSI_PIN Output = 1 Recv: PIN: 52 Port: B1 AVR_SCK_PIN Output = 0 Recv: . SCK_PIN Output = 0 Recv: PIN: 53 Port: B0 AVR_SS_PIN protected Recv: . SDSS protected Recv: . SS_PIN protected Recv: . X_CS_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 54 Port: F0 (A 0) X_STEP_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 55 Port: F1 (A 1) X_DIR_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 56 Port: F2 (A 2) Y_ENABLE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 57 Port: F3 (A 3) E1_SERIAL_RX_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 58 Port: F4 (A 4) E1_SERIAL_TX_PIN Output = Recv: PIN: 59 Port: F5 (A 5) FILWIDTH_PIN Analog in = 1023 Recv: . Y_SERIAL_TX_PIN Output = 1 Recv: PIN: 60 Port: F6 (A 6) Y_STEP_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 61 Port: F7 (A 7) Y_DIR_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 62 Port: K0 (A 8) Z_ENABLE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 63 Port: K1 (A 9) X_SERIAL_RX_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 64 Port: K2 (A10) Y_SERIAL_RX_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 65 Port: K3 (A11) Z_SERIAL_RX_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 66 Port: K4 (A12) MAX6675_SS Input = 1 Recv: . E0_SERIAL_RX_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 67 Port: K5 (A13) TEMP_0_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 68 Port: K6 (A14) TEMP_BED_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 69 Port: K7 (A15) TEMP_1_PIN protected
Re: Help with TMC2208 1.1.x Bugifx and Pins July 09, 2019 10:30PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 55 |
Re: Help with TMC2208 1.1.x Bugifx and Pins July 09, 2019 11:14PM |
Admin Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 7,148 |
ATMEGA2560 Pin Change Interrupts Pin PORT PCINT A8(62) PK0 16 A9(63) PK1 17 A10(64) PK2 18 A11(65) PK3 19 A12(66) PK4 20 A13(67) PK5 21 A14(68) PK6 22 A15(69) PK7 23 10 PB4 4 11 PB5 5 12 PB6 6 13 PB7 7 14 PJ1 10 15 PJ0 9 0 PE0 8 - this one is a little odd. * SS(53) PB0 0 SCK(52) PB1 1 MOSI(51) PB2 2 MISO(50) PB3 3
Re: Help with TMC2208 1.1.x Bugifx and Pins July 10, 2019 12:28PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 55 |
Re: Help with TMC2208 1.1.x Bugifx and Pins July 10, 2019 07:08PM |
Admin Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 7,148 |
Re: Help with TMC2208 1.1.x Bugifx and Pins July 11, 2019 02:28AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 55 |
Driver registers: X = 0xC0:0C:00:00 Y = 0xC0:0C:00:00 Z = 0x00:00:00:00 E0 = 0xC0:08:00:00 E1 = 0xC0:08:00:00 Driver registers: X = 0xC0:0C:00:00 Y = 0xC0:0C:00:00 Z = 0xC0:0C:00:00 E0 = 0x00:00:00:00 E1 = 0xC0:08:00:00
#define X_SERIAL_TX_PIN 40 #define X_SERIAL_RX_PIN 63 #define Y_SERIAL_TX_PIN 59 #define Y_SERIAL_RX_PIN 64 #define Z_SERIAL_TX_PIN 42 #define Z_SERIAL_RX_PIN 65 #define E0_SERIAL_TX_PIN 44 #define E0_SERIAL_RX_PIN 66 #define E1_SERIAL_TX_PIN 16 // was 58 #define E1_SERIAL_RX_PIN 17 // was 57 #define E2_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 #define E2_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 #define E3_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 #define E3_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1 #define E4_SERIAL_TX_PIN -1 #define E4_SERIAL_RX_PIN -1
Send: M43 Recv: PIN: 0 Port: E0 RXD protected Recv: . E_MUX0_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 1 Port: E1 TXD protected Recv: PIN: 2 Port: E4 Input = 0 TIMER3B PWM: 0 WGM: 0 COM3B: 0 CS: 2 TCCR3A: 0 TCCR3B: 2 TIMSK3: 2 non-standard PWM mode Recv: PIN: 3 Port: E5 X_MIN_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 4 Port: G5 FANN protected Recv: PIN: 5 Port: E3 E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 6 Port: H3 FAN1_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 7 Port: H4 Input = 0 TIMER4B PWM: 0 WGM: 1 COM4B: 0 CS: 3 TCCR4A: 1 TCCR4B: 3 TIMSK4: 0 Recv: PIN: 8 Port: H5 HEATER_BED_PIN protected Recv: . RAMPS_D8_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 9 Port: H6 HEATER_1_PIN protected Recv: . RAMPS_D9_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 10 Port: B4 HEATER_0_PIN protected Recv: . RAMPS_D10_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 11 Port: B5 SERVO0_PIN Output = 0 TIMER1A PWM: 2000 WGM: 4 COM1A: 0 CS: 2 TCCR1A: 0 TCCR1B: 10 TIMSK1: 2 non-standard PWM mode compare interrupt enabled Recv: PIN: 12 Port: B6 Input = 0 TIMER1B PWM: 0 WGM: 4 COM1B: 0 CS: 2 TCCR1A: 0 TCCR1B: 10 TIMSK1: 2 non-standard PWM mode Recv: PIN: 13 Port: B7 LED_PIN Input = 0 TIMER0A PWM: 0 WGM: 3 COM0A: 0 CS: 3 TCCR0A: 3 TCCR0B: 3 TIMSK0: 5 overflow interrupt enabled Recv: . TIMER1C is also tied to this pin TIMER1C PWM: 0 WGM: 4 COM1C: 0 CS: 2 TCCR1A: 0 TCCR1B: 10 TIMSK1: 2 non-standard PWM mode Recv: PIN: 14 Port: J1 Y_MIN_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 15 Port: J0 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 16 Port: H1 LCD_PINS_RS Output = 1 Recv: PIN: 17 Port: H0 LCD_PINS_ENABLE Output = 1 Recv: PIN: 18 Port: D3 Z_MIN_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 19 Port: D2 Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 20 Port: D1 Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 21 Port: D0 Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 22 Port: A0 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 23 Port: A1 LCD_PINS_D4 Output = 1 Recv: PIN: 24 Port: A2 E0_ENABLE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 25 Port: A3 LCD_PINS_D5 Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 26 Port: A4 E0_STEP_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 27 Port: A5 LCD_PINS_D6 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 28 Port: A6 E0_DIR_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 29 Port: A7 LCD_PINS_D7 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 30 Port: C7 E1_ENABLE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 31 Port: C6 BTN_EN1 Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 32 Port: C5 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 33 Port: C4 BTN_EN2 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 34 Port: C3 E1_DIR_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 35 Port: C2 BTN_ENC Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 36 Port: C1 E1_STEP_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 37 Port: C0 BEEPER_PIN Output = 0 Recv: PIN: 38 Port: D7 X_ENABLE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 39 Port: G2 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 40 Port: G1 Z_CS_PIN protected Recv: . X_SERIAL_TX_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 41 Port: G0 KILL_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 42 Port: L7 E0_CS_PIN protected Recv: . Z_SERIAL_TX_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 43 Port: L6 E1_AUTO_FAN_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 44 Port: L5 E1_CS_PIN protected Recv: . E0_SERIAL_TX_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 45 Port: L4 Input = 0 TIMER5B PWM: 0 WGM: 1 COM5B: 0 CS: 3 TCCR5A: 1 TCCR5B: 3 TIMSK5: 0 Recv: PIN: 46 Port: L3 Z_STEP_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 47 Port: L2 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 48 Port: L1 Z_DIR_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 49 Port: L0 _DETECT_PIN protected Recv: . Y_CS_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 50 Port: B3 AVR_MISO_PIN Input = 0 Recv: . MISO_PIN Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 51 Port: B2 AVR_MOSI_PIN Output = 1 Recv: . MOSI_PIN Output = 1 Recv: PIN: 52 Port: B1 AVR_SCK_PIN Output = 0 Recv: . SCK_PIN Output = 0 Recv: PIN: 53 Port: B0 AVR_SS_PIN protected Recv: . SDSS protected Recv: . SS_PIN protected Recv: . X_CS_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 54 Port: F0 (A 0) X_STEP_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 55 Port: F1 (A 1) X_DIR_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 56 Port: F2 (A 2) Y_ENABLE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 57 Port: F3 (A 3) Analog in = 478 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 58 Port: F4 (A 4) Analog in = 395 Input = 0 Recv: PIN: 59 Port: F5 (A 5) Y_SERIAL_TX_PIN Output = 1 Recv: PIN: 60 Port: F6 (A 6) Y_STEP_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 61 Port: F7 (A 7) Y_DIR_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 62 Port: K0 (A 8) Z_ENABLE_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 63 Port: K1 (A 9) X_SERIAL_RX_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 64 Port: K2 (A10) Y_SERIAL_RX_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 65 Port: K3 (A11) Z_SERIAL_RX_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 66 Port: K4 (A12) MAX6675_SS Input = 1 Recv: . E0_SERIAL_RX_PIN Input = 1 Recv: PIN: 67 Port: K5 (A13) TEMP_0_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 68 Port: K6 (A14) TEMP_BED_PIN protected Recv: PIN: 69 Port: K7 (A15) TEMP_1_PIN protected Recv: ok