I would like to use a laser with my printer and according this page [
marlinfw.org] I should use the fan pin constant to set it up.
So, as the page says, I added #define FAN1_PIN 4 to configuration.h and flashed it to my printer (with BOARD_MKS_BASE board).
However, it does not work, if i do M106 P1 S255, the laser won't turn on at all.
I know the hardware side of it is correct, because I can control the laser without any problems with M42 P4 S255 (but I can't use the M42 in actual printing because it is async and using with M400 causes stops in movement, so I need to get the M106 to work)
Controlling the actual parts cooling fan (FAN_PIN) with M106 P0 Sxxx also works fine
What am I missing here?
Also here is an exert from M43
PIN: 7 Port: H4 E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN protected
. FAN1_PIN protected
. MOSFET_D_PIN protected
PIN: 8 Port: H5 HEATER_BED_PIN protected
. RAMPS_D8_PIN protected
PIN: 9 Port: H6 FAN_PIN protected
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2019 09:37AM by TunaGuy.