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Marlin not compiling

Posted by mistynow 
Marlin not compiling
September 26, 2019 06:16AM
Hi guys I downloaded Marlin.bugfix-2.0x a few days ago to use a new SKR v1.3 board, however it doesn't want to compile and upload. I also installed Atom, Platform.io and git. What happens is when I try to compile and upload Atom reports "Can not find Platformio project. (make sure it contains platformio.ini) or words to that effect. Platformio.ini is there in the marlin folder of course. Now because of this I have been using Marlin from the Bigtreetech folder and this compiles and uploads ok, but of course this is probably an older version and they do recommend downloading the latest version.I have now downloaded it a couple of times with the same result. The other thing that happens after trying to compile and upload is it seems to knock out communication with the COM port., i.e. is no longer recognized by windows. And then even the Bigtreetech Marlin will not then compile and upload , reports that it can't find the upload port. The only way I can find out of this is to copy firmware.bin from the Bigtreetech folder, paste it to the sd card on the pc insert it in the board reset the board. Then upload the Bigtree Marlin to the board again , which then over rights the firmware.bin as normal with FIRMWARE.CUR and date and time.

As i'm pretty new to this I'm not sure if its a bug in Marlin or not.


Edit oh I downloaded Marlin from Github.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2019 06:18AM by mistynow.
Re: Marlin not compiling
September 26, 2019 06:41AM
This compiles to a file that is moved onto the sdcard... com ports are not involved. but if you muck up the firmware it wont show as a drive.

Take a look at [www.youtube.com]
Re: Marlin not compiling
September 26, 2019 07:54AM
Thanks for the response Dust. Yes I know it compiles a file that is then uploaded to the sd card on the SKR v1.3, but that's not the problem The problem is the Marlin I downloaded from github doesn't want to compile. It reports it cannot find the platformio project, and to make sure the file platformio.ini is in the project, which of course it is. Because you have to change it to the LPC1768 for the SKR v1.3. The only reason I had to copy BIgtreetech's firmware.bin onto the sd card is because after trying to compile with the github Marlin the port was then knocked out and I could no longer communicate with the board, and if I then tried to upload the Bigtreetech Marlin to the board again Atom would fail and report it can't find the upload port, Putting the sd card with the Bigtreetech firmware.bin copied to it back into the board and then resetting the board then restored communication. Only then could I again upload the configuration from the Marlin supplied in the Bigtreetech folder, which works fine in Atom, (but is not the latest version of Marlin.bugfix-2.0x), is that communication restored. Not sure what you mean by COM ports not involved, yes the card shows up as a drive in my case I, But a device is created in Windows Device manager for communication with the printer, in my case COM 4, but after trying to upload using the github Marlin the board, or drive, is not seen by Windows. When the board with its sd card inserted is either reset or unpluged and re pluged there is no acknowledgement beep from Windows and its no longer seen by Pronterface. After trying the github Marlin Pronterface reports that I'm trying to access a device that doesn't exist, even though I had peviously been doing so with the set up in the Bigtreetech Marlin perfectly well. so I don't think I've mucked up any firmware.

I'm probably not explaining this very well.

Re: Marlin not compiling
September 26, 2019 08:27AM
load up the latest marlin (that gives you the error) and take a screen shot of atom and all its windows and upload it somewhere and post a link to it.

So we can see what is going on.
Re: Marlin not compiling
September 26, 2019 09:19AM
Dusty have just looked on github and someone has in the last day or so posted of the same issue, think it was in bug report. Watched the video thank's and there's nothing there that I hadn't done. My printer works fine with the Bigtree Marlin through Pronterface, haven't printed anything yet, apart from the lcd, my printer is an Anet A6 and even with the appropriate lcd in Marlin selected doesn't work, apparently though that,s normal. so I'll change that rather than rewire it which some do. Attached is the message in Atom, I hope.
open | download - platformio message.JPG (16.7 KB)
Re: Marlin not compiling
September 26, 2019 09:31AM
Dusty here's the platformio.ini
open | download - Platformio.ini.JPG (101.1 KB)
Re: Marlin not compiling
September 26, 2019 09:59AM
Here's my printer in Pronterface. Just 2 drivers at the moment. But realized this morning that although they show as ok here there not responding to Pronterface. They are TMC2208 in UART have bridged the 3 pads on the board and they set up in Marlin. The hotbed and hotend work as expected.

Sorry this is with the Bigtree Marlin.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2019 10:02AM by mistynow.
open | download - Pronterface with Bigtree Marlin.JPG (57.8 KB)
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