G29 Manual bed leveling guestions
September 08, 2020 08:55PM
I have a home built printer with a SKR V1.4 turbo control board with Marlin firmware. I'm trying to set up the bed leveling. According to the docs G29 S0 is supposed to print out the stats of the bed leveling. When I give thew G29 S0 command it immediately moves to the first position and starts the leveling process. If I continue with the three points it ends with this printout:

Send: G29 S2
Recv: >>> G29 X150.00 Y200.00 Z0.20
Recv: Machine Type: Cartesian
Recv: Auto Bed Leveling: 3POINT (disabled)
Recv: 3-point probing done.
Recv: current_position= X150.00 Y200.00 Z0.20 : > probing complete
Recv: current_position= X150.00 Y200.00 Z0.20 : G29 uncorrected XYZ
Recv: Probed Z0.00 Matrix Z-0.02 Discrepancy 0.02
Recv: current_position= X150.00 Y200.00 Z0.00 : G29 corrected XYZ
Recv: current_position= X150.00 Y200.00 Z0.00 : sync_plan_position
Recv: X:150.00 Y:200.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00 Count X:39750 Y:53000 Z:346
Recv: <<< G29 X150.00 Y200.00 Z0.00
Recv: ok

If I try the G29 S0 again it just starts over again. The docs say I should be getting this with the G29 S0 command:

> G29 S0
Num X,Y: 3,3
Z offset: 0
Measured points:
0 1 2
0 +0.011 -0.020 -0.026
1 +0.017 +0.002 -0.019
2 +0.022 -0.030 -0.013

Can anyone tell me why its not working like the docs say it should.
Thanks all
Re: G29 Manual bed leveling guestions
September 09, 2020 02:50AM
What type of ABL did you select in Marlin?

Re: G29 Manual bed leveling guestions
September 09, 2020 10:39AM
Manual with 3 points.
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