Z Fade Out
December 08, 2020 10:42AM
I have a home built 3D printer, which is working ok.
It uses Marlin 2.0.x bugfix, and mega2560.
The question i have is regarding bed levelling.
I have auto bed levelling installed and working, and have the s/w set : #define ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT 3.
So, above 3mm it should move to a height and print that layer, then move to the next height and print the next layer etc with z staying constant whilst printing each layer ??
What seems to be happening is that my z is moving up and down with x and y movements on every layer.
Also, i was doing a print which i aborted (for other reasons), and after aborting, whenever i moved the x or y axis via the front panel, the z axis would move fractionally up/down (repeatably). I powered the printer off/on and this situation then stopped ie. move x or y and z did not move.
So something weird is going on???
It looks like the z fade height setting is being ignored ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/08/2020 10:42AM by Chips.
Re: Z Fade Out
December 08, 2020 07:14PM
If you have bed leveling enabled, the Z axis will move up and down to compensate with X/Y movements. If you enable fade, the correction will be less and less until you hit the fade height, after which correction will be no longer applied.
You cannot specify


ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT is a toggle, either true or false. The actual fade height is set either by using

M420 Z10

or with the


line in Configuration.h
Re: Z Fade Out
December 13, 2020 12:13PM
Thanks for your comments.
Yes, i have " #define ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT 3 " set in the config.
So after 3 mm in height, it should stop moving the Z axis due to bed leveling. Above 3mm, it should move to the layer height, and print the entire layer without further z movement.
But it does not appear to be the case.
There is no other reason why the Z axis would move whilst it is printing a layer is there ?
As mentioned above, when i aborted a print from the front panel, it would still move Z up and down depending on if i moved X or Y from the front panel. This happened until i power cycled the printer.
Re: Z Fade Out
December 13, 2020 02:04PM

"ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT is a toggle, either true or false"

setting "#define ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT 3" is garbage and is interpreted as #define ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT true

M420 Z10 or DEFAULT_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT set the height

If you want a fade height of 3 mm set #define DEFAULT_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT 3

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2020 08:16PM by Dust.
Re: Z Fade Out
December 14, 2020 09:12PM

"ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT is a toggle, either true or false"

setting "#define ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT 3" is garbage and is interpreted as #define ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT true

M420 Z10 or DEFAULT_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT set the height

If you want a fade height of 3 mm set #define DEFAULT_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT 3
There is no "DEFAULT_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT" in the current Marlin, in either configuration.h or configuration_adv.h
Re: Z Fade Out
December 14, 2020 11:04PM
In Configuration.h but is only in bugfix as yet

  // Gradually reduce leveling correction until a set height is reached,
  // at which point movement will be level to the machine's XY plane.
  // The height can be set with M420 Z
    #define DEFAULT_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT 10.0 // (mm) Default fade height.

In older marlin you use G29 F3 Fade height. (UBL only! For others bed leveling systems use M420 Z)
Re: Z Fade Out
December 21, 2020 06:49AM
Many thanks for all of your comments.
I see the confusion! I am using Marlin big fix 2.0.x, which only has "#define ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT 3" in the congif.h.
I have searched my config file but do not see what is mentioned in the previous post.
So i guess the issue i am talking about was the original bug which was fixed ?
So i will need a later version / bugfix for Marlin, which will then show the fade settings as per previous post, and hopefully work as expected.
I see the latest is - will i be able to port my config to the new version, or is it a manual entry situation ?
Which version should show the settings in config as per previous post ?
Re: Z Fade Out
December 26, 2020 10:46AM

// Gradually reduce leveling correction until a set height is reached,
// at which point movement will be level to the machine's XY plane.
// The height can be set with M420 Z
#define DEFAULT_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT 10.0 // (mm) Default fade height.
I have just loaded the latest Marlin version (
In the config.h file, i can define the "Enable_leveling_fade_height"
Cannot see anywhere in Config.h or config.adv.h to actually set the default value for fade height.
Re: Z Fade Out
December 26, 2020 07:12PM
"is only in bugfix" ie [github.com]
Re: Z Fade Out
December 27, 2020 06:05AM
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