Arbitrary change of direction and scale problems November 08, 2023 03:13AM |
Registered: 1 year ago Posts: 3 |
// [WELL COMPILEX LINES MIXED WITH "Error while detecting..."] Error while detecting libraries included by C:\Users\ozky2\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_7167\sketch\src\sd\SdFatUtil.cpp "C:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\avr-gcc\\7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7/bin/avr-g++" -c -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -Wno-error=narrowing -flto -w -x c++ -E -CC -mmcu=atmega2560 -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10819 -DARDUINO_AVR_FYSETCF6 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\avr\\1.8.6\\cores\\arduino" "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\fysetcf6\\hardware\\avr\\1.4.0\\variants\\fysetcf6" "-ID:\\Documenti\\Arduino\\libraries\\TMCStepper\\src" "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\avr\\1.8.6\\libraries\\SPI\\src" "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\avr\\1.8.6\\libraries\\SoftwareSerial\\src" "C:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino_build_7167\\sketch\\src\\sd\\SdFile.cpp" -o nul Error while detecting libraries included by C:\Users\ozky2\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_7167\sketch\src\sd\SdFile.cpp "C:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\avr-gcc\\7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7/bin/avr-g++" -c -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -Wno-error=narrowing -flto -w -x c++ -E -CC -mmcu=atmega2560 -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10819 -DARDUINO_AVR_FYSETCF6 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\avr\\1.8.6\\cores\\arduino" "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\fysetcf6\\hardware\\avr\\1.4.0\\variants\\fysetcf6" "-ID:\\Documenti\\Arduino\\libraries\\TMCStepper\\src" "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\avr\\1.8.6\\libraries\\SPI\\src" "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\avr\\1.8.6\\libraries\\SoftwareSerial\\src" "C:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino_build_7167\\sketch\\src\\sd\\SdVolume.cpp" -o nul Error while detecting libraries included by C:\Users\ozky2\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_7167\sketch\src\sd\SdVolume.cpp "C:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools\\avr-gcc\\7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino7/bin/avr-g++" -c -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -Wno-error=narrowing -flto -w -x c++ -E -CC -mmcu=atmega2560 -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10819 -DARDUINO_AVR_FYSETCF6 -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\avr\\1.8.6\\cores\\arduino" "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\fysetcf6\\hardware\\avr\\1.4.0\\variants\\fysetcf6" "-ID:\\Documenti\\Arduino\\libraries\\TMCStepper\\src" "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\avr\\1.8.6\\libraries\\SPI\\src" "-IC:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\avr\\1.8.6\\libraries\\SoftwareSerial\\src" "C:\\Users\\ozky2\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino_build_7167\\sketch\\src\\sd\\cardreader.cpp" -o nul Error while detecting libraries included by C:\Users\ozky2\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_7167\sketch\src\sd\cardreader.cpp // [WELL COMPILED LINES] In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:52:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\HAL.cpp:24: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:562:6: error: #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1735:4: error: #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1851:6: error: #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." ^~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:52:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\MarlinSerial.cpp:39: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:562:6: error: #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1735:4: error: #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1851:6: error: #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." ^~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:52:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\eeprom.cpp:24: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:562:6: error: #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1735:4: error: #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." ^~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:52:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\MarlinCore.h:24, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\MarlinCore.cpp:31: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:562:6: error: #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1851:6: error: #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:3565:6: error: #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." ^~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:52:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\fast_pwm.cpp:24: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:562:6: error: #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1735:4: error: #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1851:6: error: #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1735:4: error: #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1851:6: error: #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:3565:6: error: #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." ^~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:52:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\Servo.cpp:55: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:562:6: error: #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1735:4: error: #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1851:6: error: #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:3565:6: error: #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:3565:6: error: #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:3565:6: error: #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." ^~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:52:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\HAL_SPI.cpp:34: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:562:6: error: #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." #error "ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE requires a supported LCD controller (or EMERGENCY_PARSER)." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:3565:6: error: #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1735:4: error: #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." #error "DISABLE_[XYZIJKUVW] is not compatible with HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE or Z_SAFE_HOMING." ^~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1851:6: error: #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." #error "You cannot set E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN equal to CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN." ^~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfigPre.h:37:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:28, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\HAL.cpp:24: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\core\macros.h:240:48: error: expected ';' before '<=' token #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H)) ^ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1707:17: note: in expansion of macro 'WITHIN' static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle."); ^~~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\core\macros.h:240:48: error: expected unqualified-id before '<=' token #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H)) ^ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1707:17: note: in expansion of macro 'WITHIN' static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle."); ^~~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfigPre.h:37:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:28, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\MarlinSerial.cpp:39: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\core\macros.h:240:48: error: expected ';' before '<=' token #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H)) ^ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1707:17: note: in expansion of macro 'WITHIN' static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle."); ^~~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\core\macros.h:240:48: error: expected unqualified-id before '<=' token #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H)) ^ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1707:17: note: in expansion of macro 'WITHIN' static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle."); ^~~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:3565:6: error: #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." #error "GANTRY_CALIBRATION_SAFE_POSITION Requires GANTRY_CALIBRATION_XY_PARK_FEEDRATE to be set." ^~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfigPre.h:37:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:28, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\eeprom.cpp:24: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\core\macros.h:240:48: error: expected ';' before '<=' token #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H)) ^ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1707:17: note: in expansion of macro 'WITHIN' static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle."); ^~~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\core\macros.h:240:48: error: expected unqualified-id before '<=' token #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H)) ^ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1707:17: note: in expansion of macro 'WITHIN' static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle."); ^~~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfigPre.h:37:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:28, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\fast_pwm.cpp:24: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\core\macros.h:240:48: error: expected ';' before '<=' token #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H)) ^ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1707:17: note: in expansion of macro 'WITHIN' static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle."); ^~~~~~ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\core\macros.h:240:48: error: expected unqualified-id before '<=' token #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H)) ^ D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\SanityCheck.h:1707:17: note: in expansion of macro 'WITHIN' static_assert(WITHIN(Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT, Y_MIN_POS, Y_MAX_POS), "Z_SAFE_HOMING_Y_POINT can't be reached by the nozzle."); ^~~~~~ In file included from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfigPre.h:37:0, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\inc\MarlinConfig.h:28, from D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\HAL\AVR\Servo.cpp:55: D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x\Marlin\src\core\macros.h:240:48: error: expected ';' before '<=' token #define WITHIN(N,L,H) ((N) >= (L) && (N) <= (H)) ^
D:\Desktop\PRINTER\Marlin-bugfix-2.1.x> platformio run --silent -e FYSETC_F6_14 Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:mega2560] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:mega1280] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:rambo] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:FYSETC_F6_13] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:FYSETC_F6_14] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:sanguino644p] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:sanguino1284p] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:melzi] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:melzi_optiboot] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:at90usb1286_cdc] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:at90usb1286_dfu] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [envUE] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
UE_USB] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
UE_debug] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:LPC1768] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:LPC1769] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103RC] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103RC_fysetc] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103RC_btt] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103RC_btt_USB] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103RC_btt_512K] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103RC_btt_512K_USB] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103RE] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103RE_btt] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103RE_btt_USB] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F4] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F7] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:ARMED] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103VE_GTM32] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103VE_longer] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:mks_robin_mini] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:mks_robin_nano] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:mks_robin] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:mks_robin_pro] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:mks_robin_lite] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:mks_robin_lite3] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:jgaurora_a5s_a1] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F103CB_malyan] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:chitu_f103] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F401VE_STEVAL] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:FLYF407ZG] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
TM32F407VE_black] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:BIGTREE_SKR_PRO] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:BIGTREE_GTR_V1_0] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:BIGTREE_BTT002] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:teensy31] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:teensy35] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:esp32] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_build_flags` configuration option in section [env:linux_native] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_flags` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:linux_native] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env
AMD51_grandcentral_m4] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:rumba32_f446ve] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:rumba32_mks] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead Warning! `src_filter` configuration option in section [env:include_tree] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use `build_src_filter` instead UnknownBoard: Unknown board ID 'fysetc_f6_14'
15:00:02.551 : echo:Unknown command: "M80" 15:00:02.561 : Begin file list 15:00:02.670 : /SYSTEM/LEVEL_~1.GCO 165566 15:00:02.673 : /SYSTEM/_RUN_A~1.GCO 298 15:00:02.694 : /SYSTEM/GRID~1.GCO 725372 15:00:02.732 : CARD_T~1.GCO 901922 15:00:02.736 : CFFFP_~1.GCO 736530 15:00:02.736 : CFFFP_~2.GCO 189008 15:00:02.755 : CFFFP_~3.GCO 528212 15:00:02.759 : End file list 15:00:02.761 : echoEBUG:INFO,ERRORS 15:00:51.201 : N16 M501*16 15:00:52.245 : echo:V77 stored settings retrieved (711 bytes; crc 34168) 15:00:52.248 : echo: G21 ; Units in mm (mm) 15:00:52.251 : echo:; Filament settings: Disabled 15:00:52.253 : echo: M200 D1.75 15:00:52.253 : echo: M200 D0 15:00:52.256 : echo:; Steps per unit: 15:00:52.259 : echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.20 E409.00 15:00:52.264 : echo:; Maximum feedrates (units/s): 15:00:52.267 : echo: M203 X300.00 Y300.00 Z5.00 E25.00 15:00:52.274 : echo:; Maximum Acceleration (units/s2): 15:00:52.275 : echo: M201 X3000.00 Y3000.00 Z100.00 E10000.00 15:00:52.281 : echo:; Acceleration (units/s2): P R T 15:00:52.284 : echo: M204 P1000.00 R2000.00 T1000.00 15:00:52.292 : echo:; Advanced: B S T J 15:00:52.295 : echo: M205 B20000.00 S0.00 T0.00 J0.01 15:00:52.297 : echo:; Home offset: 15:00:52.300 : echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 15:00:52.302 : echo:; Auto Bed Leveling: 15:00:52.303 : echo: M420 S0 Z0.00 15:00:52.305 : echo: G29 W I0 J0 Z-0.00255 15:00:52.308 : echo: G29 W I1 J0 Z-0.26492 15:00:52.311 : echo: G29 W I2 J0 Z-0.48981 15:00:52.314 : echo: G29 W I3 J0 Z-0.83963 15:00:52.316 : echo: G29 W I0 J1 Z-0.03753 15:00:52.319 : echo: G29 W I1 J1 Z-0.15247 15:00:52.322 : echo: G29 W I2 J1 Z-0.18746 15:00:52.324 : echo: G29 W I3 J1 Z-0.40985 15:00:52.327 : echo: G29 W I0 J2 Z-0.12999 15:00:52.330 : echo: G29 W I1 J2 Z-0.07251 15:00:52.330 : echo: G29 W I2 J2 Z-0.05252 15:00:52.332 : echo: G29 W I3 J2 Z-0.13998 15:00:52.335 : echo: G29 W I0 J3 Z-0.33238 15:00:52.338 : echo: G29 W I1 J3 Z-0.16997 15:00:52.340 : echo: G29 W I2 J3 Z-0.09750 15:00:52.344 : echo: G29 W I3 J3 Z-0.11749 15:00:52.346 : echo:; PID settings: 15:00:52.349 : echo: M301 P18.09 I1.19 D68.56 15:00:52.352 : echo: M304 P20.00 I1.00 D245.50 15:00:52.354 : echo:; Power-Loss Recovery: 15:00:52.354 : echo: M413 S1 15:00:52.357 : echo:; Z-Probe Offset (mm): 15:00:52.360 : echo: M851 X35.00 Y2.00 Z-0.10 15:00:52.363 : echo:; Stepper driver current: 15:00:52.365 : echo: M906 X600 Y700 Z795 15:00:52.365 : echo: M906 T0 E550 15:00:52.368 : echo:; StallGuard threshold: 15:00:52.371 : echo: M914 X100 Y100 15:00:52.373 : echo:; Driver stepping mode: 15:00:52.430 : echo: M569 S1 X Y Z 15:00:52.450 : echo: M569 S1 T0 E 15:00:52.452 : echo:; Filament load/unload lengths: 15:00:52.455 : echo: M603 L0.00 U100.00
Re: Arbitrary change of direction and scale problems November 16, 2023 10:11PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 352 |
Re: Arbitrary change of direction and scale problems November 22, 2023 04:06AM |
Registered: 1 year ago Posts: 3 |
Re: Arbitrary change of direction and scale problems November 22, 2023 04:32AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 7,177 |
Re: Arbitrary change of direction and scale problems November 22, 2023 04:48AM |
Registered: 1 year ago Posts: 3 |
Re: Arbitrary change of direction and scale problems November 22, 2023 05:02AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 7,177 |