Hi all, thanks for reading and I hope you can help!
I'm trying to build this version of marlin:
with just a couple of small changes, but I'm unable to make the vscode auto-build plugin work.
I first received errors about "platformio.ini" missing. Platformio.ini is not present on the github, nor is the "marlin.ino" file that allows platformio to import the project.
I then tried taking the marlin.ino from a previous tenlog TLD3 firmware (marlin 1.x) version, but this didn't help. I only ended up with a blank platformio.ini and no idea what to input there. The marlin 1.x github doesn't include a platformio.ini file either.
There are a number of entirely missing directories & files in the TLD3V2 (marlin 2.0) github, so I tried taking default marlin 2.0.x source code and copying Tenlog's configuration.h and configuration_adv.h.
That got me a little closer, but I was still stuck. When I tried to build, I got a terminal error stating that boards.h does not include the motherboard defined in configuration.h (BOARD_TL_V101).
Seemed like a logical move to grab the boards.h from /source/Marlin/src/core
/boards.h on tenlog's github, so I did. This got rid of the last error, but now I get "unknown motherboard" in the auto-build pane.
This led me to the Marlin-2.0.x\buildroot\share\PlatformIO\boards folder, where there are .json files for several different boards, but obviously tenlog's board is not included.
I dunno what my next step should be, so I'm begging for mercy from the smarter folks in this forum lol
For reference, I am attempting to flash the firmware to this tenlog-manufactured bespoke board:
Sorry for the infodump! Hope one of you can help me ease this headache
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/2023 07:21PM by terbospaghetti.